Author Topic: Elite Wheels / Aliexpress / Trace Velo  (Read 14571 times)


Re: Elite Wheels / Aliexpress / Trace Velo
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2022, 12:50:54 PM »
Also with that said I have some elite wheels coming. So we will see.  I hope they make it in one piece. ok 2 pieces.

And to be fair trace velo reviews are at least some what informative. And can give you some idea what to expect with these bike parts. like I got some chinaplay pedals and sensah 2x11 group set. And he got me interested with getting a china bike.

The good thing about Trace Velo is that he shows some of the obscure stuff on AliExpress that no mainstream bike reviewers would even touch. For example I had no clue heat shrink shift/brake cable ends even existed, but on his latest bike build he used them. I ended putting those on all my bikes! Also I find his bike building skills average at best, so I find it amusing he mentions similar build issues I've had to deal with and I end up finding solutions on stuff he's stumped on.


Re: Elite Wheels / Aliexpress / Trace Velo
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2022, 11:18:27 AM »
Sorry been away for a few days just saw this comment. I am speaking out to help the community not just bash someone. Update on my situation is Paypal now requires you to ship the damaged goods back to Aliexpress despite the cost coming out of your pocket. So Elite Wheels said not our problem its Aliexpress's problem and Aliexpress gave a lowball offer to keep the $505.03 wheels or me pay on my dime to return the destroyed wheels back to China. Paypal* said the same thing so I started a Visa chargeback today as I'm not losing a dime to poorly packaged/shipped items.

Can you share the screen shot of your comment on Trace Velo's video here so we can see both sides of the issue and evaluate properly for ourselves.
Mind you, it is his channel and source of business and hence he has the right to do whatever he likes with his comment section.

No problem here it is.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2022, 11:42:25 AM by boost3782 »


Re: Elite Wheels / Aliexpress / Trace Velo
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2022, 12:31:26 PM »

Most of us ended up in this forum because we started our journey watching Trace Velo and hence built our first bike ourselves and saved a lot of money in the process.
Lots of people here also at one point or the other had issues with dealers. This has nothing to do with whichever youtube reviewers we watched before pulling the trigger.

Just because you had a bad experience with a dealer he reviewed doesn't mean you should come here and run him under the bus.

However, I do sympathize with you on the terrible situation which I feel you should take up with EliteWheels and probably Aliexpress.

Maybe you should make your own YouTube video about the situation and put all the keywords that will direct even more traffic, visibility and awareness to your issue with EliteWheels and Aliexpress.

Try doing something positive for the community first before throwing a major contributor of the community under the bus just because of your one bad issue out of many other successful customers.

In addition, just like Velobuild once did regarding issues with their services, It will be good if Elite Wheels or even Trace Velo can comment on this issue since both have lots of customers and followers here respectively. Always the best to hear from both sides before throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

I posted my comment I made that he has erased twice off the video as you requested above. I will address the rest of your post here.

TraceVelo was definitely one of the reasons I found this forum. He was also the reason I made said purchase from Elite Wheels on Aliexpress as he made the video of a 2 year review on said product which he purchased from Elite Wheels on Aliexpress singing their praises. He also made it clear in that video he used his own money and was a customer like the rest of us non youtubers i.e. has no vested interest in protecting Elite Wheel or Aliexpress or so he implied on said product. I came here to post my experience with said vendors he took the time to promote and make a video on along with my experience of making a comment sharing my horrible experience on the same video he promotes them encouraging us to purchase said items that he deleted twice.

Suggesting I make a youtube video on this may be your solution but not mine. Most normal everyday people don't know what it takes to make said video, do ad sense and keywords, etc. to promote the video. You suggesting it is ludicrous. I felt posting my experience on the said youtube video in the comments would be more helpful as I read through most those comments and there was not any blatant red flag comments with reasons not to take Trace's review at face value and make the purchase. Now I know why. I trust this forum's content more than anything else so I felt coming here and posting my experience would be the next step in helping people. I am sorry you don't feel that way and think I am trying to "throw a major contributor of the community under the bus". I would say I am most likely not the only negative comment on products and companies he does videos on that he has deleted. Maybe people should question just how major of a contributor he is with him deleting comments such as mine. That just makes him a salesman at this point and not an honest one. I would have never known about Elite Wheels ENT model on Aliexpress if it wasn't for Trace Velo. They don't sell them on their own website only Aliexpress.
I have taken it up with Aliexpress and Elite Wheels. Both have thrown me under the bus. I explained that above but you must have not read through my comments as you were in such a hurry to get on here and defend Trace Velo and try to discredit me. Paypal will now also side with Aliexpress or any other vendor for that matter as of 27NOV2022 as they now make the customer pay for any and all return shipping in claims/disputes despite damage/poor packaging etc. It's not past 27NOV2022 yet you say! Yea I did too. Paypal out of the kindness of their heart has already started using that policy for Sellers. That's pretty helpful information for folks buying bike products off of Aliexpress to know that use paypal. I wonder where I could meet and discuss said products and vendors off of Aliexpress and from China with other like minded people without making a Youtube video?

If me making this post saves one person the trouble I have gone through it will have been worth it. There is a reply in this thread stating don't buy wheels or frames from Aliexpress but go direct. That is the exact opposite of what Trace Velo is promoting in some of his videos. Trace reaches a lot more people than this forum does so shame on him for censoring comments and shame on you for acting like I am the bad guy for posting my experience with all the involved.


Re: Elite Wheels / Aliexpress / Trace Velo
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2022, 12:59:03 PM »
Have you tried posting a review on AliExpress regarding the Elite Wheels wheelset you purchased and also on their seller feedback section? That would probably be useful as well.

Even though I own both Elite Wheels and Superteam wheelsets, I've purchased them via Amazon and/or Ebay, which I tend to think have better buyer protection. My biggest purchase was on Ali has been a bike carbon frame. Even though the box arrived battered, thankfully the seller packed my frame extremely well, secured with abundant bubble wrap.


Re: Elite Wheels / Aliexpress / Trace Velo
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2022, 01:05:35 PM »
Have you tried posting a review on AliExpress regarding the Elite Wheels wheelset you purchased and also on their seller feedback section? That would probably be useful as well.

It was three stars as their review system has you rate certain things and picks what it uses overall I guess. Not sure on how that fully works on Aliexpress. I didn't want to give a full on negative one star review as I am sure the product is decent/good and my issue was with how damaged from shipping is being handled.


Re: Elite Wheels / Aliexpress / Trace Velo
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2022, 01:53:57 PM »
I have had three run ins with PayPal, all regarding photography related purchases on eBay where seller sent lenses not in condition as described or sometimes just not disclosing everything. PayPal has always sided with me as a buyer.

In fact a while ago it was widely known that PayPal would almost always side with buyers. On Fred Miranda and other forums I have seen many cases where some well established, well known sellers received the shitty end of the stick because buyers casually raised a case and PayPal ended up with buyer. That prompted many sellers to only use PayPal f&f that too with other established members and not deal with G&S because PayPals biased policies but it seems from your post that it is not the case anymore.

In any case, I wish you luck to reach a satisfactory resolution.


Re: Elite Wheels / Aliexpress / Trace Velo
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2022, 02:31:23 PM »
I purchased using PayPal paid via my Visa card and I am glad I did. I literally just got off the phone with a Paypal supervisor today about my claim who stated despite how stupid it sounds customer must pay return shipping on damaged goods in a dispute if the Seller requests it. That is the new policy he said. Aliexpress requests the item be sent back for a full refund. I just started chargeback with my Visa card today on this case as I am not paying to return damaged goods back to China just to be thrown in the trash. It's spiteful and poor business practice along with a waste of money. That's if it even makes it to where it's supposed to go as if you look into reddit on Aliexpress they say to NEVER return items to Aliexpress as it is a very low chance for it to get where it's supposed to.

This whole post was simply for a heads up for other people. I stated facts from my situation in hopes to help other.

Fact - Trace Velo will delete negative experience comments about the company/Aliexpress on his videos. Take that as you will.
Fact - Elite Wheels on Aliexpress will not stand behind any shipping issues or damage and instead refer you to Aliexpress.
Fact - Aliexpress will low ball offer you or offer a full refund if you pay to ship the damaged item back in hopes you go away resulting in you making a claim else where to get your money back if you have that option.
Fact - Paypal will now make you pay for return shipping if the Seller wants the damaged items back in a dispute. I was told this today by a supervisor over the phone.

Biggest fact I can give the community here is at this point in time is if you use Paypal on Aliexpress or any where else at this time be prepared to cover the return cost to China or else where on items damaged during shipping if Paypal is your only way to dispute and the Seller request the damaged goods back. Paypal told me that they can not and will not force them to provide a label.


Re: Elite Wheels / Aliexpress / Trace Velo
« Reply #22 on: November 05, 2022, 09:39:35 PM »
... and shame on you for acting like I am the bad guy for posting my experience with all the involved.

Again, I sympathize with your issue.

And again in this issue burning an "advertiser / influencer" is childish because we all already know they are on a thin line sharing their experience with these products
even if they get sent products for free or get discounts, they actually also bring value to their audience weather we like to admit it or not.
This is basically the whole business model behind being an influencer in a niche space.
It is their own responsibility to handle whatever backlash the way they see fit.
It is your responsibility to bare the consequences of your actions taken based on the information you get from the internet.

You could have even ask Trace Velo to add his weight (if any) to contact EliteWheels and help resolve the issue.
But because you are angry (of which I totally understand the pain) you just want to burn down everything.

Like you said, making and sharing a video of your experience is hard for everyday people like yourself etc, then you can imagine why Trace Velo would want to administrate / protect his hard work i.e. digital assets, especially when being at the mercy of the algorithm. 
Nevertheless, I do feel Trace Velo should give an insight into why he deleted your comments on his video when he claims to be unattached and unbiased on products he reviews.

Look, in 2022 it is childish to blame "the internet" for introducing you to any product or service.

The core of your problem is very bad shipping service, after which EliteWheels and Aliexpress refusing to take full responsibility.

Buying anything from china is basically a game of hit or miss especially with the cheaper regular shipping option.
So blaming a "reviewer / advertiser" for your shipping problem and saying shame on people is actually childish.

Again, the ratio is just off. I.e. running Trace Velo under the bus and questioning the VALUE of the WHOLE of his online content, against your deleted comment of a shipping problem. 

Focus on getting your money from the people you gave your money to.


Re: Elite Wheels / Aliexpress / Trace Velo
« Reply #23 on: November 05, 2022, 10:35:01 PM »
Me stating my experience is childish and "burning" an influencer? The guy is on a thin line? What are you even talking about. Trace velo deleted my comments why would I even ask him to reach out to Elite Wheels or Aliexpress to help me. He states he isn't sponsored by them so that would make zero sense to do any ways. He isn't an influencer he is a guy doing reviews on youtube or so he states. That's a big difference from an influencer who is sponsored by a company. You even said yourself the guy helped get you into Chinese parts so saying it's childish in 2022 to blame the internet for introducing me to a product or service is mind boggling. What do you think even this forum is doing. You make no sense.

I never once blamed Trace Velo for the shipping issue. You keep saying that but show me in this thread where I have done that. That would make zero sense as he has nothing to do with the shipping. I simply stated the guy is deleting negative comments towards the companies/aliexpress that he's slinging on youtube. Trace Velo comes off as an average guy buying cheap Chinese parts off Aliexpress with his own money and not being supported by said companies. He says that as it lends more credit to him giving an "honest" review. The fact he has deleted my comment in this situation not once but twice should be more than enough for people to "question" his whole content online where he states he wasn't sponsored. You can't have it both ways. Your either the unaffiliated guy slinging your own money giving honest reviews or the influencer having products pushed your way and letting people know your content is biased. Trying to act like the unaffiliated guy while also trying to make that money as an influencer is a scum bag move as people value the unaffiliated guy more than an "influencer" and Trace knows that. That's my problem with the guy. It's that simple.

At this point you still have provided zero usefulness in this thread or situation. What is your deal? Do you have a connection to Trace Velo and are upset I am exposing his shady actions in this situation? Are you in some way affiliated with Aliexpress or Elite Wheels? If this happened to you wouldn't you want to share your experience with this community to try and help others not have to deal with this situation?


Re: Elite Wheels / Aliexpress / Trace Velo
« Reply #24 on: November 05, 2022, 11:57:45 PM »
Look, Trace Velo has sponsors for most of his videos and obviously in practical terms he is an influencer because his content has influenced you to buy stuff he reviewed,
of which you had a bad experience and now questioning his legitimacy, correct?
Especially because he also deleted your comment means all the good he has ever done probably should be questioned right? This is the vibe I got especially from your very first post.

So basically the vibe I get from you is; "look my comment was deleted so because of that I want to help people figure out who and which are the bad youtubers and forums. And yo! shame on you for not acknowledging and accepting my reasoning. And hmmm you must be affiliated with all these people who did me wrong."

Btw, below is an example of what you said :
"""".......... I am more concerned with people knowing which youtubers and forums are legitimate advice to listen to and spend their hard earned money accordingly and who is just making content to make money off people. """"

He deleted your comment hence he is not legitimate right? Well maybe AND maybe not. I hope we hear his own reasoning too. That is all I am saying Man.

Oh, btw, I have no affiliation with anyone ya.

I have my EliteWheels I paid for over a year now and still going strong.
Fortunately I did not encounter any problems till now. And again I do sympathize with your bad experience.

I just find it fascinating that you are adding a video reviewer as part of your whole problem. You feel because of him you are in this painful situation because his advise made you buy the wheelset.
Take ownership for pulling the trigger after your research on the internet. Period.
Content owner on the internet can do whatever they want with their content comment section on the internet.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2022, 12:16:38 AM by Velovelo »


Re: Elite Wheels / Aliexpress / Trace Velo
« Reply #25 on: November 06, 2022, 12:25:39 AM »
I just find it fascinating that you are adding a video reviewer as part of your whole problem. You feel because of him you are in this painful situation because his advise made you buy the wheelset.
Take ownership for pulling the trigger after your research on the internet. Period.
Content owner on the internet can do whatever they want with their content comment section on the internet.

I find it fascinating that you think I feel because of him I am in this situation. Once again I have never said that you did. His advise from his video helped me make the decision to buy not made me Jesus dude. I was posting here to let other folks know about his actions, Elite Wheels, Aliexpress, and most importantly Paypal.  You just have to interject yourself into this thread with your delusional thoughts on what you think I am implying or saying. Obviously we are not going to agree as your reading comprehension is pretty poor. You are offering nothing in this thread. Trace Velo does no wrong in your eyes I get it. Move along dude.


Re: Elite Wheels / Aliexpress / Trace Velo
« Reply #26 on: November 06, 2022, 12:42:34 AM »

He deleted your comment.

You posted to help people to be careful because he may not be legitimate.

I'm saying it would be great to know his own reasoning for deleting your comment.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2022, 12:53:28 AM by Velovelo »


Re: Elite Wheels / Aliexpress / Trace Velo
« Reply #27 on: November 06, 2022, 03:44:13 AM »
He deleted your comment.

You posted to help people to be careful because he may not be legitimate.

I'm saying it would be great to know his own reasoning for deleting your comment.

Your name is Velovelo....Trace Velo... Velovelo hmm it rings a bell.

Sorry i am just adding gasoline to the fire, trace velo


Re: Elite Wheels / Aliexpress / Trace Velo
« Reply #28 on: November 06, 2022, 04:13:56 AM »
The white-knighting for Trace Velo does seem a bit odd, especially speaking on his behalf about being on a fine line etc.

If the situation is as boost portrays it, he has every right to talk about it.  If T-V feels the need to defend himself, I assume he willl - he likely reads these forums to some extent.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2022, 04:37:35 AM by RDY »


Re: Elite Wheels / Aliexpress / Trace Velo
« Reply #29 on: November 06, 2022, 06:23:47 AM »
Lol... I'm not trace Velo.
My VeloVelo user name represents the two direct from China frames I ride.
Trace Velo doesn't even have the frames I ride.
I have no affiliation with Trace Velo whatsoever.
I only subscribed to his YT channel.

My comment  "....about being on a fine line etc" comment I made is from my experience working in social media management.
Hence I am always open to the possibility of two or more online parties having different reasons in an issue.

Look Guys, I am a very happy Trace Velo Fan from his very first video till now. So much detailed effort and value in the content he puts out.
Suggesting he is not legitimate because of one case of deleted comment, to me, does not balance off with the value he has put out overtime.
Nothing odd or wrong with making this observation because his contribution to the community has earned him at least 1 benefit of a doubt ("unfortunately" me in this case out of other fans here lol...).
I'm interested to know why he deleted the comment. I don't expect him to explain himself either. 

Rooting for boost3782 to get his money back.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2022, 06:42:31 AM by Velovelo »