Author Topic: Build (problems?): Steerer tupe cutting  (Read 1195 times)


Build (problems?): Steerer tupe cutting
« on: March 21, 2024, 05:46:39 PM »
Hi to the community !
When cutting the steerer the last tiny bit cracked a bit, causing a splinter missing in the very outer layer of the carbon.
I just wanted to be sure that this shouldn't cause any trouble? I attached photos with my thumb next to it for scale.
Its also possible for me to cut another 5 mm, If this should be considered safer. Are there any tips to prevent this kind of cracking? Using (what kind of?) tape or something?

Thanks a lot for your help!


Re: Build (problems?): Steerer tupe cutting
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2024, 05:48:54 PM »
If you’re following typical carbon steerer recommendations (clamp the stem 5-10mm below the top of steerer and put a spacer above it), this will probably be okay. The chip shouldn’t matter much if it’s above the stem.


Re: Build (problems?): Steerer tupe cutting
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2024, 06:38:21 PM »
I've had this kind of problem before and I had put nail polish (resin) to put a kind of protective film to avoid delamination.  I rode a few weeks with this with no problem. But as I had a bit of margin, I preferred to cut a little fork in order to ride with more peace of mind


Re: Build (problems?): Steerer tupe cutting
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2024, 06:55:17 PM »
I've done the same thing, your steerer will be fine. As mentioned, a bit of nail polish resin should protect that area. When I cut my steerer now, I just leave the fork in the frame and use a few throw away stem spacers to level out the cut. I then use a flat sander to smooth it out. Afterwards I just use a leaf blower to remove the carbon dust and wipe everything down with a wet cloth. Since switching to this method, I've always had a perfect cut.


Re: Build (problems?): Steerer tupe cutting
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2024, 07:31:41 PM »
That doesn't look safe to me, regardless of whether it has worked for others or not. I'd cut it lower and use a guide to get it done properly. Sand the inside and outside edges once done.


Re: Build (problems?): Steerer tupe cutting
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2024, 11:38:53 PM »
Thanks to all of you!
For any future projects: is there a way to prevent this from happening?
I already used a guide (from AliExpress  ;D ) . The cut itself was very good and offcourse i already was quite careful.
Now i sure will do some cutting tests with the left over piece of the steerer tupe.


Re: Build (problems?): Steerer tupe cutting
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2024, 03:41:44 AM »
Thanks to all of you!
For any future projects: is there a way to prevent this from happening?
I already used a guide (from AliExpress  ;D ) . The cut itself was very good and offcourse i already was quite careful.
Now i sure will do some cutting tests with the left over piece of the steerer tupe.

you can prevent these tearings on the outside by cutting a millimeter deep circle around the whole steerer.
And simply cut without much force and make sure when you almost finish the cut that the two parts don't "break" apart