Hi guys,
took some time to build the bike mainly because I was missing components and because of lack of time. However, the weather here is anyway still too bad to ride it outside.
Bike weighs 7.3 kg including pedals and wahoo mount. Only the bottle cages are missing...so pretty much spot on 7kg without.
Only things that I still need to work on are:
- fine tune the shifting
- check if I like the brakes or if I swap them to the stock ltwoo ones. I like the silver look of the zrace but they still feel a little spongy compared to the ultegra brakes on my old bike. Maybe I just need to re-bleed them again, let's see.
The build-process was generally pretty simple. The only issue I had was that I needed tro drill out the whole for the di2 cable in the chainstay as it was not properly drilled inside. I think there were some sharp edges inside so the cable didn't want to go through. The rest was straightforward.
I will wait with my first ride until we have dry conditions here

Future updates to arrive at around 7kg ready to ride might be a lighter cassette (I use a 105 11-32 right now), lighter chain and maybe 140 rotor in the back.