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Thin socket for pedal overhauls?


My pedals could use a bearing adjustment or replacement, but I'm not able to remove the nut at the end of the spindle. It's recessed inside the pedal and my 8 mm socket is too thick to fit inside. Anyone have any recommendations for a socket that might work in this application? Mine is just a standard hardware store socket. Is there a name for this type of socket that I might be missing?

I have the exact same problem with a pair of Zrace MTB pedals. I Even ordered the 8mm pedal socket from Hope bc I thought it might fit. While it is indeed thinner than a standard 8mm socket it’s still too big. I tried to reduce the wall thickness further with a dremel but eventually I gave up.
I have another pair of Xpedo MTB pedals. Those are using a 9mm nut and you can easily insert a socket to undo it. Much better design.

I have a special spot in my toolbox exclusively for modified tools.  It's mostly cheap sockets and wrenches that have been oddly ground/cut to fit specific applications/situations I've encountered over the years.

I was able to jam a screwdriver in the hole next to the nut. I found one with a long, thin blade and that worked!


--- Quote from: jannmayer on August 13, 2023, 11:27:51 PM ---I was able to jam a screwdriver in the hole next to the nut. I found one with a long, thin blade and that worked!

--- End quote ---

Yeah. I managed to undo the nut like this, too (probably bc it wasn’t tightened enough from the start). But there’s no way I can tighten it back down enough. There’s always quite a bit of play remaining and I can undo it too easily.


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