thank you very much for the pictures, from what you can see your frame is different from mine, between the wall where the hole is and the housing of the shock absorber sheath there is just 20mm that allow the sheath to bend to fit into place.
mine on the other hand has no space, the point where the sheath is inserted is against the frame so it does not allow the movement necessary to be able to move, and also the sheath has no space to move laterally.
I made a drastic decision and with a dremel I created a window by widening the hole all the way to the left so that the sheath can reach the cable attachment straight.
a lot of white dust came out.
now it is not perfectly aligned but at least I was able to mount it.
your shock absorber is different from mine I have the air valve and red knob located at the bottom and the blue lever at the top. you will struggle if you have to make adjustments.
mine was mounted on an orbea oiz in the same way.
then I had to invent the teflon bushing that goes to the rear attachment by cutting the original fox ones, I also moved the fork so as to have the screw with the head at the top because I had no way to insert it from below.
this assembly really made me suffer, it's true that shock absorbers are not all the same but in my case the space was really tight, impossible to assemble.
I'll post some photos to make you understand.