Author Topic: Ryet handlebars any good? Other handlebar options for D-shaped steerer tubes  (Read 2830 times)


I have a D-shaped steerer tube on my Winspace T1500 (which I didn't buy the handlebars for at the time).  Currently all my cables are externally routed on the handlebar and go in through the down tube or fork arm. I've looked around for aero, internally routed handlebar options for D-shaped steerer tubes on Ali Express and elsewhere and there doesn't seem to be much out there.

Options I've found are:

Anyone got any other thoughts for an aero option I can use for internal routing with a D-shaped steerer tube?


EXS Aerover, Farsports F1, THE ONE PRO and its offshoots


Not sure about that specific bar. But my full suspension flat integrated bar is from Ryet and it is very good so far.


EXS Aerover, Farsports F1, THE ONE PRO and its offshoots

Thanks. Of those The One Pro looks like it could work.  However, I'm not a mechanic so am happy to be corrected on the others.

The complication here is the D-shaped steerer column which means that the cables have to run down outside the flat side of the D but inside the overall circumference if it was O shaped, e.g. ":D".  Sorry, example gets changed into an emoji but it still illustrates the point if you use the mouth as the D and eyes as the cables.

With a standard steering column the cables run outside the circumference of the column ":O" and then might come in through holes in the column or through a specialised headset.  The spacers for EXS Aerover and Farsports F1 don't look like they can bring in the cables to be next to flat side of the D. They have a separate compartment for the cables to run down, so I don't think those would work.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2023, 04:09:05 PM by slow_poke11 »


I have bought the Ryet.  Mainly due to confidence around compatibility, price and absence of any major red flags.. I'll let you  know how I get on.


I have bought the Ryet.  Mainly due to confidence around compatibility, price and absence of any major red flags.. I'll let you  know how I get on.
Any updates, considering the same bar and interested if you have any thoughts around the cable routing or other points  ;D