Happy Holidays!
not identical, but this one has a similar design. https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/1005003923488444.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.113d2b42TgQXV4&algo_pvid=e3f8aff7-c401-4934-b3f7-f99fa8a9eb74&algo_exp_id=e3f8aff7-c401-4934-b3f7-f99fa8a9eb74-0&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21EUR%21105.41%2148.49%21%21%21107.21%2149.32%21%40211b6c1717357520530093582ec0b1%2112000027479253638%21sea%21BE%210%21ABX&curPageLogUid=6gmAJJQiEKIy&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3AOut of interest/curiousity: what would be the benefit of such a handlebar? More comfort, more aero?
This is the opposite of the Coefficient bars. It has significant upsweep (35mm rise). The Coefficient bars are downswept.Interesting though, as I'd been looking for riser 340 or 360s for a while. Weirdly they keep 130mm drop though ... why would someone wanting rise want a lot of drop on the drops ...
In my opinion the idea is: sit comfy while cruising and get a low center of gravity while descending or lower position on the sprint. Concept isn’t really new, specialized had this years back on the venge vias.
I'm also interested in the linked riser drop bar, but the drop is too much with the stated 130 mm. Anybody knows an alternative with less drop?