Author Topic: Tavelo Aero Frame  (Read 44872 times)


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #165 on: August 14, 2024, 09:07:44 AM »
PT's response to their ridiculous overreaction is to rib them on IG ... think they might both have strokes.

Can you post it here? I don't have ig =(


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #166 on: August 14, 2024, 09:27:26 AM »
Even QC aside, and not to sound like a path-less-pedaled luddite, it's crazy how many unnecessary proprietary parts they can produce, and not even get right. Who the fuck came up with this expander?
If they claim it's just a one off/they sent the wrong one/prototype by accident, he has another one so these can quickly be confirmed or denied.
But the only jab he has taken was saying he had the bike built by a boutique store and unaware of the build process, which Jesse could deny but why are they SO butthurt about it? he's taking it way too personally. Pretty sure he was a guest in an early episode too but now it sounds like they've escalated to real beef

Whoever designed the paint schemes needs to get hired by a better brand without shitty overthinking engineers and I'd be happy


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #167 on: August 14, 2024, 09:33:38 AM »
GC Performance posted his review and he likes it. I think I prefer his take. Dude lives in Florida with sunshine and beautiful Latinas, versus the gloomy/grouchy Brit engineers overseas looking to complain about everything. ::)

James dean

Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #168 on: August 14, 2024, 09:40:35 AM »
Now Tavelo did issue a statement on both channels addressing the issues…
Like it or not, but at least they participate and giving answers…
And blaming a seller for trying to sell parts…well, ok

Besides, out of curiosity, did PT ever challenge a western brand with such precision tools to check for industry standard?
I don’t want to go the whatabouthism alley….because shxxt is shxxt… just wondering…

Where did Tavelo isssue a statement?


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #169 on: August 14, 2024, 10:06:02 AM »
GC Performance posted his review and he likes it. I think I prefer his take. Dude lives in Florida with sunshine and beautiful Latinas, versus the gloomy/grouchy Brit engineers overseas looking to complain about everything. ::)
One is an engineer with a lot of racing experience, the other is a fat guy who rides twice a month, "reviewing it" (reading specs) after EIGHTY miles (with no elevation) and hasn't investigated the BB extensively. It's a close one, I'm not sure who I should trust?


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #170 on: August 14, 2024, 10:12:05 AM »
They both have absolutely no knowledge or understanding of bikes, are keenly aware of it, and not especially keen for their viewers to cotton on.  So it figures.  They both firmly fit in the hyped up product fanboi category.
Lol. What do you get out of this fanatical PT worship.

Nero show guys obv aren't engineers, but they are high level racers who have built a lot of bikes and follow the industry pretty closely. And as an engineer, I'm tired of how guys like PT and Hambini leverage the profession for worship and antagonism. If you have to preface all your insight and opinions with "im an engineer" it just reeks of insecurity and authority fallacies. PT spends about as much time pumping himself up/putting others down as he does providing actual info.


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #171 on: August 14, 2024, 10:16:30 AM »
Nero show guys obv aren't engineers, but they are high level racers who have built a lot of bikes

yeahhhh nah chris couldn't build a bike if his life depended on it. i'm sure he has had bikes built for him, but he's definitely never built one lol


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #172 on: August 14, 2024, 10:21:10 AM »
I reckon it is a PT special frame that had been qc'd specially because it's a review frame, it's just because their qc is that abysmal that this is the end product he received and I'd assume they were perfectly happy with it before sending it. Now that is scary.

Easy for them to hide behind the usual stuff they say, it's "oh we wanted to get the frame to you ASAP!" and "all the issues are fixed and our product is perfect now!".

Well when a manufacturer that is trying to position as premium, they shouldn't have any rudimentary issues with the basics. Makes me think if a reviewer's frame is like this... How about the ones that don't get special treatment? Even worse?! Yeah nah no thanks.

And of course the panda podium guy tries to then absolve himself of responsibility, when he is the main seller of this frame to the western market (does the frame even sell in China?) and whether or not it was sent direct from tavelo, I'd assume he has had a part in getting his mate PT a frame. Makes me more concerned that pp would be doing extra qc on the frame just because it is a review frame, which seemed to be the case from his yt comment.

It is all a bit smelly to me.

I think PT gets some of the stuff through a 3rd party, IE he gives money to a buddy who the brand has no idea who they are to buy the frame or wheelset or whatever to prevent brands from perrforming extra QC for promotion products. 

Hoping he does the Elilee Blaze frame. Cam Nichols just released a vid on it but it's very shilly.


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #173 on: August 14, 2024, 10:26:00 AM »
Lol. What do you get out of this fanatical PT worship.

Nero show guys obv aren't engineers, but they are high level racers who have built a lot of bikes and follow the industry pretty closely. And as an engineer, I'm tired of how guys like PT and Hambini leverage the profession for worship and antagonism. If you have to preface all your insight and opinions with "im an engineer" it just reeks of insecurity and authority fallacies. PT spends about as much time pumping himself up/putting others down as he does providing actual info.

Just bizarre ...


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #174 on: August 14, 2024, 10:30:52 AM »
Lol. What do you get out of this fanatical PT worship.

Nero show guys obv aren't engineers, but they are high level racers who have built a lot of bikes and follow the industry pretty closely. And as an engineer, I'm tired of how guys like PT and Hambini leverage the profession for worship and antagonism. If you have to preface all your insight and opinions with "im an engineer" it just reeks of insecurity and authority fallacies. PT spends about as much time pumping himself up/putting others down as he does providing actual info.

Mate, Nero boys are not any experts. They claim they are coaches and they did not even know how to take CREATINE, this is embarrassing. Anyway I am watching the show now and the further it goes the more Christina looks like a Karen... This is actually hilarious.

Lmao they mentioned my comment at 25:10
« Last Edit: August 14, 2024, 10:34:52 AM by kubackje »


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #175 on: August 14, 2024, 10:33:52 AM »
Mate, Nero boys are not any experts. They claim they are coaches and they did not even know how to take CREATINE, this is embarrassing. Anyway I am watching the show now and the further it goes the more Christina looks like a Karen... This is actually hilarious.

Jessica sounded proper Karen-like from the getgo this episode. I'm worried they're gonna come back next week with their facial hair dyed pink or green or something.


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #176 on: August 14, 2024, 11:05:27 AM »
Hoping he does the Elilee Blaze frame. Cam Nichols just released a vid on it but it's very shilly.

I just watched Cam Nichols' video on the Elilee Blize as an owner of one. I have to say, I agree with most of the assessment. The bike is definitely a great bike, so it may sound "shilly". I have now almost ridden 5000km on the standard version. It's already plenty stiff for a lightweight bike, even on the standard version. I take this as a blessing and a curse. It is stiff when you want to transfer power, but you can definitely feel the stiffness over rough bumps, especially the stiff XXE handlebar.

After watching PT's video on Tavelo, I am surprised to see almost no issue(s) with my Elilee Blize. All the "proprietary" bits that came with the Blize were super well done, like seat post clamps, headset expander, etc .. Building the bike had been a breeze. Note that both should be considered at the same category for the price.


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #177 on: August 14, 2024, 11:10:07 AM »
One is an engineer with a lot of racing experience, the other is a fat guy who rides twice a month, "reviewing it" (reading specs) after EIGHTY miles (with no elevation) and hasn't investigated the BB extensively. It's a close one, I'm not sure who I should trust?

PT admits he's a slightly above average cyclist at best. The fat guy runs a bike shop and probably has to MacGyver solutions for sh*t frames expensive or cheap.

Either way, I have no interest in the Tavelo frameset. If I'm spending $2k USD, I would consider buying something else.


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #178 on: August 14, 2024, 11:14:28 AM »
Where did Tavelo isssue a statement?

In the comment section of both YT clips


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #179 on: August 14, 2024, 12:06:42 PM »
Lol. What do you get out of this fanatical PT worship.

Nero show guys obv aren't engineers, but they are high level racers who have built a lot of bikes and follow the industry pretty closely. And as an engineer, I'm tired of how guys like PT and Hambini leverage the profession for worship and antagonism. If you have to preface all your insight and opinions with "im an engineer" it just reeks of insecurity and authority fallacies. PT spends about as much time pumping himself up/putting others down as he does providing actual info.

The good news is these guys actually explain their rationale for their criticism. The BB issue has been explained ad-nauseam by PT, Hamboner, and even the BBright dude. It's not hard to understand: if the hole is too small or egg shaped, the bearing is not going to roll right and will eventually destroy itself. Hambini in particular has pretty much put up tutorials that explain how to figure out the tolerances you need. PT is right, most punters who buy Chinese frames aren't going to be able to properly correct a bad BB.

I'll admit both PT and Hambini are kind of insufferable "well ackchuhlly" types who often overanalyze to the point of venturing into "wanketeering" themselves. My favorite instances are Hambini claiming that the Ribble water-bottle-shielding downtube was dumb because "you can just run aero bottles", and similarly PT's "analysis" of Paris Roubaix bikes, claiming that everyone should be on full-aero full-suspension Cannondale Topstones, when the Dogma FS and K8 already exist--and have proven the gain is just marginal if nonexistent. 

On the other hand, PT and Hambini have ample examples of "I told you so" moments: PT's criticism of open spoke holes (not exactly a cutting-edge call since this was already an issue 15 years ago), PT's catch with the CRW front hubs, Hambini's criticism of Shimano cranksets, etc.

Really, the way to receive these guys is to forget they're engineers, listen to their analysis, understand it, and decide for yourself if you agree.