Author Topic: Tavelo Aero Frame  (Read 45089 times)


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #45 on: May 09, 2024, 06:25:44 AM »
To reiterate: again, no other pret a porter molds are being sold this expensive by a Chinese brand

Not exactly true. Here are some examples in this price range:

Tavelo attack 9800(no bars) / 11800rmb('ice crack' paint job)

Tavelo arow 9800rmb(11500rmb with one piece bar)

Seka exceed 9990rmb

Elilee blize 10800rmb

Pardus spark evo 11000-13000rmb(resell price on 闲鱼. Not sold frameset only)

Winspace t1550 12500rmb

Tavelo arow SL 12800rmb(14500rmb with one piece bar)

Seka spear 15990rmb

Bross zenith plume 15999rmb

and the existing customers are paying much less for the Attack than the Arrow.

Attack and arow non SL are same price. SL is 3000rmb($415) more to save 110g. Pretty steep but im sure thats not going to stop people from buying it(in china)

And it looks shite vs stuff like Seka / Bross etc.

Thats just your opinion. Not a fact


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #46 on: May 09, 2024, 08:23:29 AM »
The chris miller podcast from a day or 2 ago was interesting, giving the perspective of experienced racers with regards to expensive chinese brands with western backed aero claims. Among other things, the old "if it's expensive it's got to be good" was mentioned, and as cringe as it may be to some, it often rings true to many, and that's how some brands manage to command a premium for no tangible / dubious reason(s).
Fast on the flat. And nowhere else.


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #47 on: May 09, 2024, 09:43:06 AM »
The overwhelming majority of frames I've been able to review were paid for out of pocket. At full price. I would love to review the new SEKA Spear or Tavelo Arow, but the price point is difficult no matter how excited I am for both of them.

I've actually been saving up to purchase one of these frames or the Bross Zenith. However, earlier this week I was offered a deal on an SL8 Pro (non S-Works) frameset. It wasn't a huge discount, but enough to sway me away from Tavelo/Seka/Bross.

And this is the conundrum I see customers facing. Spend a little more to get local bike shop support and a western brand warranty.


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #48 on: May 09, 2024, 10:06:58 AM »
At $2K plus for US customers, you're starting to compete with Canyon's base model complete 105 bikes for $2800.


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #49 on: May 09, 2024, 10:20:55 AM »
The overwhelming majority of frames I've been able to review were paid for out of pocket. At full price. I would love to review the new SEKA Spear or Tavelo Arow, but the price point is difficult no matter how excited I am for both of them.

I've actually been saving up to purchase one of these frames or the Bross Zenith. However, earlier this week I was offered a deal on an SL8 Pro (non S-Works) frameset. It wasn't a huge discount, but enough to sway me away from Tavelo/Seka/

What are your current bikes in your arsenal? Is the T1500 the only one you keep around?


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #50 on: May 09, 2024, 11:56:13 AM »
What are your current bikes in your arsenal? Is the T1500 the only one you keep around?

Current Fleet - This is abhorrent :o

Winspace T1500
'23 Giant Propel Advanced Pro
Tavelo Attack
'22 Specialized Allez Sprint
VeloBuild 268
Yishun R086D
Polygon Helios A8X

Still working through long-term thoughts on most of these, but the Allez Sprint needs to be sold soon.


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #51 on: May 09, 2024, 12:03:02 PM »
Actually I must apologise, I misunderstood what tavelo is and can understand their prices now. They're not a bike company, they're a marketing company selling bikes, it's like specialized on steroids. They charge this much because they can. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what the value proposition product is if it sells.

Their exorbitant markup for non-chinese market is because every frame they sell here potentially loses them eyes in their main market and because they don't really need us the sales quantity losses are balanced out by the suckers that will pay this much.


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #52 on: May 09, 2024, 08:53:25 PM »
Current Fleet - This is abhorrent :o

Winspace T1500
'23 Giant Propel Advanced Pro
Tavelo Attack
'22 Specialized Allez Sprint
VeloBuild 268
Yishun R086D
Polygon Helios A8X

Still working through long-term thoughts on most of these, but the Allez Sprint needs to be sold soon.

do you sell the frames your finished with? Ive been wandering how much do you usually get back for them in america? I saw on ww someone was only able to sell their seka exeed for 25% of how much they paid!


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #53 on: May 10, 2024, 01:14:55 AM »
Their exorbitant markup for non-chinese market is because..

Just to be clear, its not exactly tavelo's markup. Its pandapodium's markup

As i stated above,

Tavelo arow retail price  is 9800rmb (USD$1360) and Pandapodium's price is $1880

SL is 12800rmb (USD$1770) and PP's price is $2380

And i would guess Pandapodium are getting the frames for wholesale price(less than retail)

If Tavelo wanted to sell their frames internationally, they could sell them for closer to domestic retail and still be making a profit(they already make profit selling at their domestic retail price). But PP's gotta make money too hence the 'exorbitant markup'


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #54 on: May 10, 2024, 10:31:46 AM »
Actually I must apologise, I misunderstood what tavelo is and can understand their prices now. They're not a bike company, they're a marketing company selling bikes, it's like specialized on steroids. They charge this much because they can. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what the value proposition product is if it sells.

Their exorbitant markup for non-chinese market is because every frame they sell here potentially loses them eyes in their main market and because they don't really need us the sales quantity losses are balanced out by the suckers that will pay this much.

I asked them for the same painting Patrick Lino has and they said it's custom and 500$ extra. LMAO... adding a little black fade to their white frame is costly. Those guys are out of touch.


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #55 on: May 10, 2024, 10:34:54 AM »
Actually I must apologise, I misunderstood what tavelo is and can understand their prices now. They're not a bike company, they're a marketing company selling bikes, it's like specialized on steroids. They charge this much because they can. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what the value proposition product is if it sells.

Their exorbitant markup for non-chinese market is because every frame they sell here potentially loses them eyes in their main market and because they don't really need us the sales quantity losses are balanced out by the suckers that will pay this much.

I really don't get what the hand-wringing is over the markup. They are charging what they think the market will bear for the perceived quality and service.

I've bought a Lightcarbon LCG071 and a Seka Exceed; the Seka Exceed cost me around 3x more and frankly I think I got my money's worth with the Exceed. The finishing kit on a Seka is much nicer, and every part included is far-superior quality spec. They replaced my whole damn frame (and even painted a new frame just for me with an out-of-production color) at no extra cost after I discovered an issue with it over 6 months after buying it. It's just a much nicer bike with much better after-sales service than what I'd ever expect from Velobuild or Lightcarbon. I absolutely think that a company that essentially exists to retail, market, paint, and (hopefully) QC frames can add enough value to justify a markup like this, and I also think that if PP adds enough value through after-sales service, then their markup is justified too. (note: I still haven't seen evidence that they really do enhance the after-sales service)

The calculus here is easy: is the added risk/hassle of going through a Chinese company worth the cost-savings when compared to buying an equivalent-spec frame locally? Different people will make either decision depending on their circumstances, and hopefully PP and Tavelo have found a price and level of service that adequately suits the needs of many people making this decision.


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #56 on: May 10, 2024, 10:45:34 AM »
Actually I must apologise, I misunderstood what tavelo is and can understand their prices now. They're not a bike company, they're a marketing company selling bikes, it's like specialized on steroids. They charge this much because they can. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what the value proposition product is if it sells.

Their exorbitant markup for non-chinese market is because every frame they sell here potentially loses them eyes in their main market and because they don't really need us the sales quantity losses are balanced out by the suckers that will pay this much.
I think this is overly cynical.

Ultimately, all carbon road bikes are luxury goods. Even the cheapest Tiagra build. So there is some form of "value", but it's not the typical add up all the components on a spreadsheet and divide by $. A lot of it is intangible. The big selling point for Western brands IMO is pro Peleton credibility. If your bike is in the TdF or other big pro races, it's legit and the sky is the limit on pricing. Unless I'm mistaken, that's exactly how Giant and Canyon went from run of the mill OEMs to premium bike sellers. In fact the only big Western brand I can think of that isn't in the pro circuit is Factor.

So IMO all brands like SEKA and Tavelo need to do to legitimize their brands is get in the pro circuit. They don't even have to be that good. Personally IDGAF about pro cycling nor would I pay more for a bike on TV. But someone could easily come up with reasons why even a cheap Aliexpress build is a waste of money.


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #57 on: May 10, 2024, 12:15:33 PM »
I asked them for the same painting Patrick Lino has and they said it's custom and 500$ extra. LMAO... adding a little black fade to their white frame is costly. Those guys are out of touch.

The main reason I chose my paint color was because Tavelo said my color (on my Attack frame) was standard option, and most other colors required an extra fee. I wonder if because the paint options for the new Arow are obviously different than the Attack. So it would have to be a one off paint job?

I'm gonna save my brand bashing for another day until I can get more insight. But $2000 frames, $500 paint options, no local support, and Chinese brands proving that optically they are not targeting the Western customers. A big brand purchase is making more and more sense now...


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #58 on: May 10, 2024, 03:14:48 PM »
Current Fleet - This is abhorrent :o

Winspace T1500
'23 Giant Propel Advanced Pro
Tavelo Attack
'22 Specialized Allez Sprint
VeloBuild 268
Yishun R086D
Polygon Helios A8X
Someone buy this man a bigger garage


Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
« Reply #59 on: May 10, 2024, 08:56:06 PM »
Damn this is too much  :-X
Just to be clear, its not exactly tavelo's markup. Its pandapodium's markup

As i stated above,

Tavelo arow retail price  is 9800rmb (USD$1360) and Pandapodium's price is $1880

SL is 12800rmb (USD$1770) and PP's price is $2380

And i would guess Pandapodium are getting the frames for wholesale price(less than retail)

If Tavelo wanted to sell their frames internationally, they could sell them for closer to domestic retail and still be making a profit(they already make profit selling at their domestic retail price). But PP's gotta make money too hence the 'exorbitant markup'