Man, this place has BLOWN UP since last time I was on here! Awesome!
Here's some pictures of my Flyxii FR-210 build. I've got hundreds of pictures from the various stages but I'll only put a couple here.
This is right after it's first ride. I was still waiting on some parts to arrive, but I had some spares on to get me by.

I originally built the bike for a 7 day trip from Durango, CO to Moab, UT.
This is the bike all loaded up on day 1. It weight a whopping 40lbs at this point!

Day 6 of the ride. Worst day of them all.

After the Colorado trip, I made a bunch of changes. One cosmetic change was having decals made up that matched the Specialized graphics but using my name. I put them on while I was swapping out all of the pivot bearings and most of them are black so you can barely see them. But it's caused a few confused looks on the trails.

And this winter I made even more changes. 1x10 conversion and new shock. I don't have any finished product pictures yet.