Author Topic: Facing BBs and brake tabs  (Read 2207 times)


Facing BBs and brake tabs
« on: August 19, 2024, 05:22:33 AM »

in most posts about new builds there is talk about facing the BB or brake tabs because the Chinese Frames might not be perfect. There is also a lot of talk about it in Hambini and other YT videos.
I know there are extremely expensive tools to do that, but in my experience not even all the bike shops have those.

So the question is, has anyone found a Ali solution this? Or maybe a 3d printed file guide or something similar?


Re: Facing BBs and brake tabs
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2024, 10:57:29 AM »
The more niche an item is, the less likely you'll find it on Ali. Ali tends to favor things that will sell in quantity. If most bike shops don't even have one, highly unlikely that any seller will invest in stocking them.


Re: Facing BBs and brake tabs
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2024, 08:32:27 AM »
while I completely agree, i still hope someone has found a DIY way


Re: Facing BBs and brake tabs
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2024, 02:58:06 AM »
I have both tools for the BB and the brakes, but I've used them very rarely and never on a Carbonda frame. Not to sound like an ad  8), but I mostly build my bikes with their frames.

The only thing you might need to check is the paint, sometimes there's excess where it shouldn't be. Usually, just peeling it off with a cutter is enough.