I’ve been following this thread with great interest, and as an owner of a genuine S-Works SL8, I have to admit that the price of these counterfeit frames is tempting. However, at the end of the day, it's still a counterfeit. I recently watched the GCN video on YouTube about fake products, where they spoke with the person at Specialized who handles counterfeit goods. After that, it really made buying one a hard "no" for me.
I get that bike prices are now ridiculously high, and honestly, if I could ride a motorbike, I could get a Ducati for the same price! But if we keep buying into this, the prices will just keep climbing. We've already seen Chinese brands slowly following suit, and it won't be long before we're looking at £3k Chinese frames or even £1,500 open molds.
You can try to justify it, but these counterfeit manufacturers are driven by one thing only: money. They have little to no regard for warranties (which are often just a marketing tool), poor customer service, or rider safety. If you have an accident on one of these bikes and something fails, good luck getting any kind of support. At least with real brands, there’s some accountability.
Additionally, these manufacturers often support poor working conditions, and in some cases, possibly even underage labor. These companies can be unscrupulous.
If you're after quality, you're probably better off going with reputable Chinese brands or considering open molds.