Author Topic: New bike fit sanity check  (Read 552 times)


New bike fit sanity check
« on: December 13, 2024, 08:22:44 AM »
Hi guys!

I am looking at the 301 from Tantan/LongTeng and got some help for a local bike fitter but I would like to get a sanity check after spending lots of time on Bike Geometry Calculator.
It seems for now that the hoods would move 32mm back (shorter) but also 25mm down.
Is that reasonable to move the hoods position back when moving down? It seems logical to me but I am unsure of the proportions here.

Could anyone give any insights?


Re: New bike fit sanity check
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2024, 08:15:05 AM »
I am not sure that I understand your question correctly but generally, lowering your position would result in moving the hoods forward, not back, because you have a longer effective reach.

Or are you saying that your bike fitter is suggesting to move your hoods 25mm down and 32mm back from where you are now to achieve your best fit? If so, I would go with the recommendations of the fitter.