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Re: Those with AM831 built, are you happy with it if not including flexing issue?
So why then are you so "pissed off"?

That's 40% off the mark but that's ok. FTR when I posted my original comment I was trying to give you the heads up on just how expensive postage was to help you with your decision making.

Have you looked at packing it with the rear triangle removed and packed into the front triangle to reduce the volume of the package?  That might actually get you under the $100.

Thanks for the suggestion.  I'll consider that.  I'm pissed cus it made my decision harder lol.  If it was $200+, I'd keep it.  If it was under $100, would be a easier send off.  Between there? makes it harder to make a decision's all good. I'll make a decision by today and play with the numbers.  thanks man.

January 11, 2022, 07:22:29 AM
Re: Those with AM831 built, are you happy with it if not including flexing issue? well, she's returned back with pirateship.  We'll see what I end up doing instead...thx guys for your thoughts and suggestions.
January 12, 2022, 05:07:32 PM
Carbon HT owners, have you tried beating on it decently? & how has it held up? I'm getting pretty serious about picking up a HT, mostly for XC use.  The one in particular i'm closing in on is the BXT-MTB-056 because of the slackier HA compared to most.  It's 67 degrees.  Most out there are 68.5 or 69.5.

I'm just asking in general though as I don't care which one you have.  Just want a heat check on how durable these HT's have been.

Again, just want to see which one you have and how many miles have you put on it and/or how much abuse you think you've put on it? What are the highest jumps you've done to yours?

I don't plan to do too crazy of jumps but just want to know how they're holding up. At most, it'll probably be 3-4 feet drops.  Again, that's probably on the high end.  What kinda of feedback can you give me? thanks!

January 20, 2022, 04:44:17 PM
Re: BXT MTB 056?
Clearly inspired on the scott spark without the rear shock. Not sure about the robustness of that design though....Load handling on those top pivot points. :o

We're going to find out this year! :O going to be interesting!

January 25, 2022, 11:40:30 AM