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Re: TFSA JH-37
has anyone bought frames from TFSA yet?
I'm looking for Gravel model JH-37.
The geometry size 500 is perfect for me and also the price, very cheap.
I have also ordered a road frame from TFSA 3 weeks ago. They claim they will ship in 10-20 days, but yesterday they asked for an extension of the processing time because the frame is not ready... So if there are no more delays the processing time will be closer to a month. So total time between order and receiving will indeed be closer to 2 months... Communication is good (I ask them for an update every few days to keep them on their toes) but the long wait is not that great...

May 22, 2023, 03:40:42 AM
Re: Any cheap helicopter tape / surface guard tape options? I use this and just cut it to size...

May 22, 2023, 05:15:24 AM
Re: Any cheap helicopter tape / surface guard tape options?  ;)
Use some soapy water and a hairdryer when applying. After a while you will get the hang of it :)
I would also suggest to put the tape on both chainstays (drive and non-drive). From front to back... I did not do it, and damaged it with the chain and with my shoes (overshoes + muddy ride = scratches)

May 22, 2023, 07:12:05 AM
Re: Magene QED P325 Crankset I dunno, but if I were you I would just try to bend it straight... No idea how hard it would be...
May 22, 2023, 12:49:57 PM
Re: Flyxii FE-02 Build
My two gripes so far:
1. Rear does have flex when pedaling standing up. Not much to do about it really. For the price of the frame, I should've expected some flaws.
2. Thru axles use an 8mm allen wrench/hex key. Why?? None of my current multi tools have an 8mm so I either have to find one with an 8mm or carry another allen wrench. Also, the allen wrench can't go in beyond maybe 10mm or so. So all the torque is on a very small part of the shaft. May not be an issue, but just a bad design choice imo.

You could replace the axle with one that has a lever? I have them on my gravel bike because I want to be able to easily change wheelsets and they work great....

May 24, 2023, 01:39:10 AM
Re: Flyxii FE-02 Build
I'm looking into replacing for sure. They seem to have strange dimensions. How exact do thru axle measurements need to be? Are some measurements more important than others?

Can't find anything that matches perfectly.
Axle specs:
Front- 120L M12 P1.5 L14
Rear- 173L M12 p1.5 L15

The first number is the length. Depending on how the axles fit now, you could deviate a little but that is for you to decide...
The rest is the thread. I guess the last number is the length of the thread, so you could go for more or less thread depending on the length of the axle... If you go for a slightly longer axle (few mm's) you will need longer thread of else the thread will run out before the axle is tight...
Here you have suitable axles with a lever like I've got:

May 25, 2023, 01:57:31 AM
Re: Seraph Tan Tan FM639 - my build Very good looking frame, and the paintjob looks very nice :)
I would however put some protective film on the back of that seat tube if I were you... That's very tight with that 30mm tire... It won't take long to get the paint damaged like that I think...

June 06, 2023, 06:05:25 AM
ZTTO 9-42 11-speed XD cassette failure warning So today my ZTTO cassette decided to self destruct...
All of a sudden, while crossing a busy road, my crank was spinning but the rear wheel was not. Seems the smallest 3 cogs had separated themselves from the rest of the cassette. All the pins had failed. Luckily the rest of the cassette was more or less in one piece and I could finish my ride without using the 3 smallest cogs.
Shifting was horrible though and the chain skipped on some cogs. I had no idea why until I took the cassette off the rear wheel when I got home. Not only the smallest 3 cogs came loose, but also in a few other places the cassette had come apart.
I bought 3 of these cassettes and not one worked very good or long. But this one was the worst. I don't know the mileage exactly, but I guess this cassette maybe had 3000 km.
I now replaced it with a SRAM GX 10-42 cassette. Needless to say I expect a much longer life from this cassette.

June 09, 2023, 12:22:15 PM
Re: Chinese cycling clothes
How do you get the 17.5€ price? I'm getting 21.6. Did you make a new account? This one has been in my cart for a couple weeks and it's always 22-24€
It is one of the superdeals at the moment. I also buy in USD and let the creditcard  company do the conversion. That's cheaper than buying in EUR from Ali

June 12, 2023, 11:47:53 PM
Re: Chinese cycling clothes
I can indeed save about 50 cents by switching to USD but I'm still at $22.70 or $17.70 if i open a in a private tab for the welcoming bonus. Switching to a delivery in Germany saves another .10 Do you have coupons or something, or are there more tricks I've been missing all along?

The 22.70 is indeed the normal price I also see when I go trough the shop itself. But in the Android app on the main page I these "Super Deals". Prices here are lower but most of the time the colours and/or sizes are restricted... The price I see now is 18.89 USD. There is for example an even lower price for these shirts, but only available in red or orange and sizes M and up. I need S so I could not use that. Price for those is 15.59 USD at the moment.

I am a diamond member, so maybe it has something to do with that?? They claim I get 15% off because of this status, but I never thought that was true...

June 13, 2023, 05:29:07 AM