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Re: Interesting Aliexpress finds! - good deals, interesting stuff, new products etc!
ZRace RX Crank & Magene P505 power meter combo anyone? This week's special  - $12USD - $5.21USD (coins if you have any)

Or with the Sigeyi power meter:,scm-url:1007.13339.291025.0,pvid:3a31664b-9584-47c6-aa29-4022fe311d4a,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238114%231999&pdp_npi=3%40dis%21USD%21482.79%21381.4%21%21%21%21%21%402103246416866521913423919e4785%2112000016800648650%21rec%21BE%21768088907

Those are great prices...

June 13, 2023, 05:31:09 AM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets
Interesting in the video that the batteries inside the seat tube battery can be replaced. This is potentially quite a big plus. They look like AA batteries, so could be replaced out on the road if you forgot to charge/the world over.

They are probably 18650 batteries (just guessing). But still easy to find and cheap, so a big plus indeed.

June 15, 2023, 06:29:54 AM
Re: shipping times from aliexpress
I recently bought a TFSA frame and I am not exactly happy with the time everything takes... At first there was a problem with the frame so they had to make another one. It took almost 1 month before they shipped. After that it sat in Hong Kong for 2 weeks waiting for a flight... Last Sunday it finally got on a flight and went to I don't know where. I am in the EU and paid extra for DPD shipping. I ordered the frame on 03/05 so that will be almost 2 months between order and receiving the frame (hoping all goes well from now on).

So yes, check if the frame is in stock and check reviews from other people about the shipping.

And delivered today. Once it landed in the EU it went surprisingly fast.

So ordered on 03/05 , lost about 1,5 weeks with a production error, than took a long time to just get on a plane and arrived at my door on 15/06.

June 15, 2023, 06:32:26 AM
Re: Mounting tubeless tires on a new wheelset Is it old rimtape maybe? I have had troubles getting to seat new tires on rims with old rim tape. Replacing the tape does the trick most of the time.

Or if it is sunny and hot where you live for the moment, just put it in the sun to heat up and try again.

July 09, 2023, 12:31:59 PM
Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets
PSA: Please please please don't buy this groupset if you're price conscious and can't afford to write the purchase off. This is not the product for someone who simply wants something that 'just works' and can't stomach the pain when something goes wrong. The software is barely 1st gen, as is the hardware and everything is subject to change in later revisions/generations. I'm excited in the eRX because the underlying foundation could truly shake up the industry but evidently there is still much to improve.

By the way, zero proper reviews exist on the Chinese side of the internet as everyone there is waiting for someone else to take the risk. Just this week someone posted about aftermarket DM hanger clearance issues. Again, don't be a guinea pig.

Well said. We're no longer talking about a 150 € groupset like the Sensah stuff a few years back. If it did not work, it was a small price to pay and you moved on (I was in that situation). But the price of these new groupsets is just too much to gamble with...

July 10, 2023, 07:22:08 AM
Re: dcrf26 frame - Scott Foil?
The more I look at this frame, the uglier it looks to me. It's as if someone asked AI to design a bike to look like a bodybuilder juiced on 'roids with boxy a** muscles.

You're not alone  ;D

July 25, 2023, 08:56:32 AM
Re: Recommendations needed on carbon fork cutting tool I got one more or less like that, but from a more local online shop. These things are expensive on Ali.
It does the job.

July 27, 2023, 01:32:02 AM
Re: Hygge Aero Carbon Frame Little update:
Since they said they would ship in 2-3 days and we are now on day 3 I decided to ask for an update... They responded very fast, but it was an answer I have gotten a lot from sellers when buying a frame lately: "The factory is painting the frame". I was a little annoyed by this since my last frame purchases were riddled with delays like this* so I have lost trust in Ali sellers by now...

They responded later that the factory was ready with painting and the frame will be shipped tomorrow.

Will keep you guys updated...

* A few examples of seller problems:
  • OG-Evkin has been promising to send me a replacement frame for my CF-052 HT frame with cracked BB for A MONTH now. Communication has gaps of a week and it's always "next week this and next week that". The factory is now painting the frame according to them (after 1 month) and should be shipped "next week". I will have to pay for shipping, and they have been promising to send the payment link for weeks now (it's always "tomorrow"). Since they will not send this payment info I am sceptical they will even send me a frame and for the time being I will presume they are keeping me occupied by just promising stuff until I give up.
  • When ordering my TFSA frame I really had to keep pushing the seller and it took ages for them to confess something had gone wrong in production so there would be delays. Shipping also wasn't smooth and the frame was stuck for more than a week not far from the factory

July 28, 2023, 06:41:37 AM
Re: Hygge Aero Carbon Frame So anther day, another delay...

This morning there was a message that they had already packed the order but they put a 90*380 handlebar in and asked if this was OK (I ordered the 80*380).
Since I am very picky about my position on the bike I said I needed the 80mm.

Their answer: Is a 80*400 OK because the 80*380 will take some more days...

I again said I need the 80*380... Before I ordered I specifically asked if this was in stock and they said yes.

So for the time being I am not very impressed by this seller... We'll see how it goes on. The 2-3 days shipping they promised, will be closer to one week. Still not bad but I really don't like the constant over-promising and under-delivering...

I just don't get why all these sellers keep making promises they know they won't keep.... (well, of course they do this to get you to order...)

July 29, 2023, 01:32:54 AM
Carbon-repair process of my TFSA (SL6 clone) frame So I crashed my 1 month old TFSA frame 2 weeks ago. In the process I hit a metal pole with the horizontal part of the non drive chainstay... This caused my frame to crack in this spot. I also cracked my collarbone, but that's healing nicely after some surgery...

I asked for a quote for the repair and the cheapest I got was 250 € without paint (I asked for this since I can just cover it up with some black plastic protection foil)...
Since the frame is about 450€, I decided to just get another frame instead of having it repaired...

I like DIY and I like working on bikes so I have also decided to try the repair myself and keep the bike for the smart trainer. I am not confident enough in my carbon repair knowledge (=none) to ride the bike outside after the repair.

So this is what it looked after the crash:

So I ordered all the supplies to do the repair myself and watched a lot of youtube... The supplies were 130€ but I got too much of everything (including 1m² of 200g/m² 3k carbon sheet) and it included some stuff I will not need to use so that could be a lot lower...

This afternoon I went for the first step: sanding it down. I used a Dremel and just some 150 grit sanding paper for sanding by hand.

During sanding it became obvious that the cracks are rather big so just sanding away some patches here and there was not going to work. I decided to sand the whole area where the cracks were so it would be easier to cut and apply the new carbon patches.

If the weather is OK I will apply the new carbon patches and epoxy tomorrow. I was thinking to start with a big square patch that covers almost the entire sanded area, than a second patch that is about 1cm smaller and than end with 1 big square to cover the 2 previous and hopefully leave a nice finish... I have shrink tape to wrap the spot afterwards and hopefully squeeze out the excess epoxy.

This is where I stand now:

July 29, 2023, 09:14:11 AM