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Re: Himalo Frames? The V2 of the Boost frame is out !!!!

Now compatible UDH (which mean also compatible with Shimano direct mount as the adapter from UDH to Direct mount already exist  ;) )

And they have also change the way the rear break is mounted, now it's a one piece molded block.

Regarding the geometry, they have also greatly improved and modernized.
Going from 66 to 64.5 for the HA and 74 to 76 for the seat

The old geometry is visible below:

I'm already thinking if next year I will not change my current one for the new one  ;D

For those interested by this frame, go to the official store to get the latest version  8)

July 08, 2023, 07:07:43 AM
Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts Here's my new ride.  Size large with the 120mm rear link.  I slowly purchased parts over a period of about six months as I saw them pop up on sale or on local classifieds.  The color ended up being a darker blue than I was hoping for, but I've grown to really like it.  It looks black in low light and photos, but up close or in the sun the blue peeks through.  I appreciate everyone's experience and shared knowledge, it really helped me with my build.

I've been riding this for a couple of months now and have been really happy with it.  The bike shop weighed it at around 26 lbs.  Could I have saved a little weight...yep.  I could have gone with a shorter or non-dropper seat post (currently running a 210mm OneUp) .  I could have built up a lighter wheelset, used shorter bars, etc. etc.  My focus with the build was to create a light duty trail bike rather than a XC bike, so I'm happy with how it turned out.  It's a nice compliment to my longer travel trail bike.  The only thing that I plan on updating is the rear suspension.  I purchased a used shock before the 120mm link came out, so I'm currently running a 42.5mm shock.  When I do my next shock tune-up I'll change it out to 45mm.  I also found a 130mm fork with the intention to decrease travel to 120mm, but so far I like it at 130mm and will probably keep it there. 

I'm using a Lyne Components Holy Rail to hold two water bottles.  I can fit a small and large water bottle in the frame; there's just not quite enough clearance for two large water bottles. The Holy Rail has been great, I'd highly recommend it if you're looking to get a couple of bottles on the frame.

All in all, I like my positioning on the bike, it's comfortable for long stretches of climbing in the saddle. It's also pretty quick on the climbs, I've been setting numerous PR's on trails I've ridden for years. I'm not smashing my old times by any means, but I may be a minute or so faster on a 20-minute climb.  Key for me is that I feel like I have more energy in reserve when I get to the top of the climb.  It's also a different feeling on the down than my longer travel bike, where I usually just point and smash.  Coming down on this bike it's more of a dance, trying to avoid the worst of the rocks/roots/etc., but it's light and easy to throw around.  It can handle some rougher stuff, I just have to pay closer attention and take it a little slower.  My times coming down on smoother, flowy trails are actually a little faster than my long travel bike.  On chunky, more technical terrain my long travel bike no question is faster and more plush coming down.  I'm comfortable taking it off jumps or drops of a couple of feet...anything more and I physically wince.  Maybe the frame can handle it, but I'm not comfortable pushing it.

Overall, I'm really happy with the bike. 

July 13, 2023, 01:06:57 PM
Re: King Whales Titanium/KWIT gravel frameset some low end tiagra with chinese crankset, Hunt Gravel Race wheels. nothing fancy. I plan to gradually upgrade to fancier stuff.
Nice looking bike. What's the build specs? Looks like a mix of shimano and chinese parts?

July 14, 2023, 11:49:39 AM
Re: Recommendations needed on carbon fork cutting tool Don't tell anyone. I use a pipe cutter to mark* a straight cut line and then freehand away with a medium to fine(ish) metal blade.

*Wheel just barely touching, no crunchy noises ...

July 27, 2023, 04:39:59 PM
Re: Spcycle 2023 New Travel 120mm Super Light 29er full suspension frame
Friend there are two seller on Aliexpress selling as Sp-cycle. Do you sell on Aliexpress? Your warranty is valid buying from there?

I personally paid slightly more for a different SP Cycle frame, and bought direct from the sp-cycle internet store. It was worth 3% or so different to deal 100% directly with the manufacturer.

July 29, 2023, 05:23:55 PM
Re: Carbon-repair process of my TFSA (SL6 clone) frame This morning I continued the process. I had cut 3 patches yesterday but they were not big enough when I tried them on the tube so I had to redo it... I decided to not use 3 separate patches because it would be difficult with the seams since I would have to wrap each patch around the tube. I went for one long piece or carbon that tapers from one end to the other and that I can wrap around the tube 3 times.

I started with the smallest end and wrapped it around the tube. Afterwards I wrapped it with shrink tape to compress everything. Now it will have to harden until tomorrow... I don't think it will win any beauty prices, but it looks nice and sturdy after a few hours of hardening...

July 30, 2023, 06:58:46 AM
Re: Carbon-repair process of my TFSA (SL6 clone) frame Thanks for the tip.

I put the bike back together again this afternoon, and now I kind of regret ordering a new frame...   ::)

July 31, 2023, 08:47:10 AM
Re: Onirii M2 and M4 hydraulic disc brakes Hi all, just wanted to share my experience (again) on these brakes. Still on my rigid hardtail/gravel bike and loving them. Absolutely no loss of power or any other signs of fatigue after using them for quite some time now.

Last week I installed them on my XC bike aswell as on my fathers. Already the 3rd set of sram level TLM's we're trowing of the bikes to replace by these chinese brakes. The difference is huge. I now can actually stop when I want  ;D

On my rigid bike (size S) the rear brake caliper touched very slightly on my rear triangle frame. I don't have this on my XC bike (same frame but size M). So I guess that normal build people will have no issue installing them.

Will keep you guys updated if anything should break or happen. No news is good news  8)

August 01, 2023, 01:02:01 AM
Re: LTWOO RX hydro sets I just received my GRT 12 speed groupset (aluminum version) and wanted to share some stuff I noticed that I haven't seen on this thread or other posts/videos before.

  • The derailleur pulleys are different sizes: 12 teeth on the guide pulley and 14 teeth on the tension pulley. They also run on sealed bearings and spin freely which is nice - one thing that really irks me about 105 is that Shimano uses pulleys with only bushings and they always seem to gum up.
  • The thumb shifter is matte plastic rather than glossy, and it doesn't have any branding on it. I like this - it's grippier than a glossy coating.
  • Both right and left brifters have retention clips for the hydraulic lines that prevent them from swiveling outwards. The clips are retained by two 2 mm screws in the rear of the body; when they're unscrewed the clip can be popped out and the lines can swivel outwards for easier installation if the hydraulic lines foul on the bars. But if the lines don't foul, I'd actually keep the clips in because they retain the nut so you only need one wrench to install the hydraulic line instead of two. This seems to be different than previous versions, or maybe just the carbon version? See Trace Velo's video here: where the nut seems to be held captive by the shape of the brifter's body rather than a separate retention system.

  • The shift lever has a 1.5 mm grub screw at its base which adjusts the shift paddle position independent of the brake lever. There's a ridiculous range of adjustment, way more than would ever be realistically used, but hey it's there anyway.

  • I screwed in the free stroke grub screw to see if I could replicate the rattling issue, and I wasn't able to, but maybe this will be an issue when the brakes are all set up.

I'm putting this groupset on my new commuter bike build which should be done in a few days (I still need to build the wheels...) - I'll see how it functions, if there's any break-in, etc, but my first impressions out of the box are good.

August 13, 2023, 08:13:39 AM
Re: Interesting Aliexpress finds! - good deals, interesting stuff, new products etc! I'll try to reply to each in separate, maybe can help you better

1.  My biggest complaint is that the unit's GPS stops recording at 2mph.    (Others have stated that other brands do the same thing, so who knows if this is just me going to slow.)  I have spent a lot of time walking my fully loaded bike packer up 20% and greater climbs.  It is frustrating because the iGS630 stops recording the climb and auto-pauses.)
In the app you can change the minimum speed for auto-pause, and even turn-off auto-pause.
This maybe is the best for your case, since you mention walking with the bike. Best to set it off then you can be sure that it won't pause even if you stand still

3.  iGS630 always seems to have a different elevation gain and mileage than Strava on my Cell phone.  (On a 50 mile ride, iGS630 will be different my 2 miles and elevation will often be 100s of feet less climbing.   (I need to look into how to calibrate my current altitude. Maybe this is why.)
this is common for most GPS units - head units, watches, or apps. Each one use different maps, or sensors, that are prone to have interference and measure wrongly
you can always correct the elevation later in Strava, you go into the options of the activity and have there the button to 'correct elevation' according to Strava maps, the system will review your activity path and have the correct elevation. You can go back to the original one if you prefer, in the same options

4  There are almost too many buttons on the unit and too many different screens and functions.    I wanted to be able to quickly use it out of the box, and really need to re-read and remember what buttons and screens do what.
the 'too many different screens and functions' is something that will happen with most units, any brand, especially at this price point where the units have many functions
you can always set the screens how you like, through the app, leave only the essential information that you want to see, leave 1 page only if you prefer.. your can customize as you want

6.  I am still trying to figure out how to upload a GPX file to the App, then to the 630.
you need to have the GPX file in your phone, then add in the app, then sync with the unit. Here's a video:

August 17, 2023, 07:19:19 AM