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Re: What left side crank power meter for Sensah empire 2x11 with Zrace cranks? Ride that BB until it wears out. Then replace it with something better. There are lots of choices, Shimano is far from the only game in town.
October 09, 2021, 04:04:50 PM
Re: Ztto Mechanical Hydraulic disc caliper Trace Velo did some comparisons of his calipers
October 25, 2021, 05:23:11 AM
Re: jstrawks' Carbonda CFR-1056 build thread My SRAM groupset, previously back ordered till December shipping today.
October 26, 2021, 10:20:01 AM
Re: Carbonda Cfr 1056 Thanks. I finally got out on a ride working full time and two kids makes it difficult to get out. It rides pretty good I don't have a ton to compare it to. On gravel it's def a bit bumpier than my rondo ruut I had previous with 650b x 2.2 tires. But on road it feels really good compared to the rondo. I only did a 12 mile ride and my seatpost came loose by the end so I need to put some more carbon paste I guess. But over happy with it. Also it's a chain stay for forbidden druid MTB
October 29, 2021, 03:20:41 PM
Re: Pulled the trigger on the Elite Wheel DRIVE wheelset Trace velo has released his review :
June 14, 2022, 09:33:47 AM