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Re: Seka Spear At first glance, their WindEye seatstays seem like a marketing gimmick. However, according to SEKA, they should also have practical benefits (aero + comfort). Whether this is also reality is the question. Anyway, I'm starting to like it, and in an age where most bikes look almost identical, it seems like a good and thoughtful move from a business perspective. At the same time, it's interesting that they decided to go the "wide fork" route. I'd honestly like to see the frame in the real world in that "raw carbon" design. However, the question is when and for how much the frame will be available in Europe and the US.
By the way, I've written up what we know about the SEKA Spear so far here:

April 30, 2024, 02:25:43 AM
Re: Seka Spear Yea, I had the same reaction as you guys to that thread. Maybe one useful post for every 10 petty arguments about various things.

Just looking at the bike itself, it looks well made. I can't say I have any experience with Seka but the details look great and it's a really nice finishing kit they're including. I am always wary about aero claims and honestly don't really put much weight into them after seeing that Cade video where there was like 5W between the Foil and Addict in real world riding conditions. Arguing over 1-2W in test conditions just seems silly. But the weight is nice if true.

My big question is the price. I know it's not an open mold frame but it's still a tough ask for what they're charging (I think around $2,000 USD). Like I said, I'm not experienced with Seka but I think they're going to have a hard time selling them in the US for that price without years of quality behind them. This isn't saying they're not quality, more that they don't have the well known name. Winspace charges similar and has a pretty good following after years of putting out quality bikes. But even still, they are a tough sell to a lot of people who don't want to spend $1,500 on a Chinese frame. I think Bross is in the same boat, albeit they can throw the Cube name around to show they make quality bikes.

Either way, I'm interested to hear how it rides. The integrated cockpit looks really nice and I'd almost be tempted to pick one up for a different bike if the price is right. Maybe not the best name (I know it's a sword but it's still going to have a connotation that's not great) but the size options are great.

Also, anybody else getting Red Bull vibes from the special edition paint job?

April 30, 2024, 05:40:13 AM
Re: Seka Spear Most WW threads with exception of members' personal WW build threads are full of hostile, rude and vile comments. Almost every thread on there about a new frame/bike eventually has mod intervention, warnings sent to members and finally deletion of useless comments. Lot of people don't seem to accept that others can have different opinions, a trend that's being seen here too as the forum size increases.

With that said, I didn't know S E K A was short for "Sage", "Exceed", "Keep", "Artist". May be it is more meaningful in Chinese.

That frame sure looks interesting but with largest size topping out at equivalent L/56 in western brands, most tall-ish (6'1+) people are going to have to skip it from consideration.

April 30, 2024, 12:19:07 PM
Re: Seka Spear
Are you implying if someone is seeking performance and not just looks, then they will ignore Time or Look frames? As in because they don't perform well, just look pretty?  :-X That has to be one of the most ridiculous if not the most ridiculous thing this forum has produced. Sure we are on a forum named Chinertown but this is getting crazy at this point.

"Looks and that it works" so looks good and is easy to live with. With both the 785 and 795 weighting more than a lot of modern aero framesets and the 795 having no credible public aero data I don't see how they are attractive from a performance standpoint. Time also aren't that light either and have even less aerodynamics credibility.

As fo the slipping seatpost. I'd consider that a design not manufacturing error. I don't remeber hearing about poor paint, bearing seats, obvious voids, fraying carbon, failures etc. Maybe I forgot and need to take another look at the exceed thread.

April 30, 2024, 06:23:45 PM
Re: Seka Spear
Before factor opened a new factory in Taiwan, Seka and Factor were made in the same factory I think.

Factor don't have a new factory in Taiwan, and Seka and Factor are still made in the same factory in China.

May 03, 2024, 05:57:08 AM
Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame Really wish velobuild designed the 268 with the same seatpost as the 168 so they could offer the option for zero setback or setback and existing 168 owners could order a zero setback
May 03, 2024, 09:42:34 AM
Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame Double 268 build coming up (when I get the groupsets (105 Di2) and wheels). One 54 cm in Silver Chameleon (for a friend) and one 56 cm in Blue Chameleon (for me), both with black contrast color on the inside of fork and rear triangle. Really pleased with the quality of paint job, no air bubbles, trapped dust etc.
To be continued  :)

May 04, 2024, 03:54:39 AM
Re: Tavelo Aero Frame Winspace being open mold was better hidden for a while. I would expect adapt don't sell d2c from how barebones their website and range of offerings on it is, so they've never attempted to make themselves known to the public.
May 04, 2024, 07:52:03 PM
Re: Tavelo Aero Frame
Very fair point about the current pricing of both Winspace and Tavelo. But if they are both in fact sourced by Adapt, it's a shame we don't see more bike builds and conversations on their frames on this forum. Especially if we are to assume the quality/fit finish is nearly the same if true.

The question becomes:
1. Does Adapt not (easily) offer up B2C sales?
2. Are people generally just not interested in their frames?

If it's the latter then it's odd to use the Winspace open-mold talking point if people just aren't interested in Adapt's offerings to begin with.

I emailed Adapt to buy a frame and they said no, they wouldn't sell directly to consumers.

Tavelo, Nich, and 1OF1 are all using the Adapt frame. My issue has always been price. People don't want to spend $2000 for an open mold frame. Heck, most people don't want to spend $1500 for an open mold. That's why I never even seriously considered a Winspace. The Adapt looks good, but I'm not spending that on an open mold frame. Maybe for a Bross or Seka that's in house, but even that I'd like to see more reviews of quality and long term durability. Over $2000 for direct to consumer is a tough sell when you can get local shop support with a big brand for $1000 more. Which in my book is worth it. Parts availability, shops in every bigger city, mechanics that are familiar with the brand, warranty support. That's the premium you pay for the big brands. With an open mold, I know what to expect and work on the bike myself. You get a deal but you know you don't have that brand support. At $500, that's worth the trade. $2300? Nope. Not when you can probably get an SL7 for that price.

May 05, 2024, 05:10:05 AM
Re: Tavelo Aero Frame Chinese customers don't value chinese frames much higher than we do
May 05, 2024, 04:12:10 PM