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Re: Frame suggestion Also check out the Carbonda 1056. It has an endurance fit (high stack, short reach), with a more road-like feel (short wheelbase, steeper angles), and it's pretty light weight.

Personally, I recommend against aero seat posts. They don't offer that much of a benefit, they are very uncomfortable, and they are proprietary. What if you want a seat post with a different setback? What if you don't like the clamp design (I hate the two-bolt design most manufacturers use)? What if you got a fancy carbon saddle but the clamp doesn't support oval rails? Too bad, you're stuck with it if it's proprietary and not a standard round shape.

June 04, 2021, 07:23:59 AM
Re: Frame suggestion Most important Aero wise are wheels and handlebar /steerer. Those can be your own choice. (this is materials side, far mor important is the fit so I would suggest starting with a proper bike fit.)
I will never buy a bike with proprietary parts again after the nightmare I had sourcing parts for my current bike.

June 04, 2021, 08:47:12 AM
Re: Frame suggestion Farsports, yoeleo, ican, light carbon are all good choices for wheels.

As for frames, people have had issues about dishonesty with tantan in the past through their aliexpress store but youre probably fine if you go on their website. Workswell, for disc brakes, people have also had poor disc lineup but those that have bought from them seem to really like the frame if everythings fine. Carbondas a good choice too.

Speaking quality assurance and customer support, didnt look at geo.

June 04, 2021, 09:23:24 AM