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Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame Also, a carbon fork cannot be bent or crushed in shipping

A carbon fork either flex a little and goes back to original position

or breaks in half. I cannot be bent like alloy.

That axle is correct, its just his fork thats fked up! How Chris from Velobuild cannot admit fault is beyond my understanding, if he cannot see anything wrong then he is not suited to work in that position.

August 23, 2022, 12:54:19 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame In my experience you have to be very clear with what you need an answer to, and be very proactive in the communication. Once shipped I got my order quite quickly: it was delivered in 9 days from Hong Kong to London. I went with XDB shipping and had a tracking code, all in all a good shipping experience.

As for my situation with the fork, Chris has forwarded the pictures I already shared here, as well as a short video I had of the fork to the engineers. I hope it can get resolved that way. Best case scenario they would send me a new fork, I can return the one in my posesssion if they would like that.

August 24, 2022, 07:33:07 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame
How long did it take for them to ship the order?

I payed on July 29th, and it got shipped August 8 th.

August 24, 2022, 09:20:11 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame Finish the build today, cannot ride it yet tho, Wax has to dry as well as the retaining compound of the BB.
Not so sure why it's so heavy, it's 8095g for everything, including pedals.

I had my fair share of issues:
  • Headset is absolute trash, you can still see the bearings underneath what they call a "seal". Give this 1 ride in the rain and you will grind this down. I will replace those.
  • The SL7 Compression Ring is not compatible for me. My fork had a seam on one side that made everything super stiff, i took the sandpaper out to remove the seam, but the ring was still too tight.
  • The Small Chainring on the crank was rubbing against the frame. I had to get a shim to put it on the crankshaft of the drive side to give it some space. Scuffed the paint a bit..
  • the SL7 Di2 Battery Grommet works. Specially at the bottom. I bought 2, so i would make sure the battery won't dangle with the top in the seat tube. Had to cut one down with a scissor so it would fit.
  • Don't know if i can fix it yet, but the saddle isn't centered to the frame and points slightly to the right.. my OCD is triggered. But i haven't messed with the saddle clamp much, maybe there is a way
  • The brake mount surfaces are not machined and need facing. One more trip to the bike shop.
  • There was a small void in the carbon layer of my tube that i was able to see after i cut it down.
  • The SL7 seatpost cover works great

will see how it performs after i can do a few rides on it

August 24, 2022, 05:18:07 PM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame I believe what @vTuga is ultimately asking is whether or not the fact the brake mount surfaces aren't faced, actually prevented the brake calipers from being properly aligned.
August 25, 2022, 02:29:26 PM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame
I believe what @vTuga is ultimately asking is whether or not the fact the brake mount surfaces aren't faced, actually prevented the brake calipers from being properly aligned.

Ah, yes. They are rubbing constantly on one side and i tried to remount the brakes multiple times. I also use a rotor shim that i put between the brakes and the rotor for spacing. But no matter what, it still rubs. Only thing i can imagine is, that the surface is uneven and therefore there is a tilt in the caliper that is causing the rub.

August 25, 2022, 02:32:56 PM
VB-177 vs VB-168: My Guide To Choosing A Frame Step One: Frequently Asked Questions
1 - Is the 177 lighter than the 168? YES.
2 - Is the 168 more aero than the 177? YES.
3 - Does the 177 have more flex than the 168? Probably, since it’s lighter…
4 - Is the 168 more stiff than the 177? Probably, since it’s heavier…
5 - Does this mean the 177 is a “flexy” frame overall? NO.
6 - Is the 168 one the stiffest frames you’ve tested? NO.
7 - Are both frames stable at high speeds? Road stability is not exclusive to the frame.

Bottom Line: The differences between the two frame are marginal at best. Especially for a $500 frame. There are more important aspects to your overall bike build to consider. 168 does in fact support 32c tires. The 177 (at least mine) does not. Maybe 30c max. This alone might be a deal breaker for the 177. The 177 uses is a standard seatpost which will be wildly easier to find on the open market for replacements.

Step Two: Geometry
VB 177 Geometry (Size 56/L)
Stack: 556
Reach: 395

VB 168 Geometry (Size 56/L)
Stack: 556
Reach: 398

VB 177 Geometry (Size 54/M)
Stack: 536
Reach: 392

VB 168 Geometry (Size 54/M)
Stack: 535
Reach: 388

Bottom Line: You should probably seek a professional bike fit if you’re uncertain. Geometry is similar for both frames, plus/minus a couple of millimeters in reach. I personally am not a fan of zero-degree setback seatposts. Neither frames are intended to fit all body types. I’m also not a fan of integrated handlebars either, since they limit adjustability later.

Step Three: Aerodynamics
Your wheel choice is one of the most critical areas where aerodynamics can be either saved or loss. The 177 paired with deep sectioned aero wheels will be faster on the flats than the 168 with shallow wheels. And the aerodynamic design of the 168 will inherently trump the lightweight of the 177 on the flats when paired with identical wheels.

Bottom Line: DO NOT SKIMP on your wheelset.

Step Four: Total System Weight
There is not enough emphasis put on total system weight (bike + rider + gear). Nothing wrong with having weight weenie tendencies, but 50-200 gram weight savings isn’t going to make the difference for anything below a World Pro Tour Race. See example below:

Bike:                                     7900g
Rider:                                  74000g
2 Water Bottles:                     1400g
Helmet/Gear/Ect:                   1000g

Total System Weight:           84300 grams (84.3kg)

Bottom Line: Striving to save even 100-200 grams (regardless of cost) is literally only like 0.25 percent of the total weight. 0.25 PERCENT. One-fourth of one percent. Also when it comes to wheels and WILL eventually be penalized on stiffness once the weight dips to a certain threshold.

Step Five: Road Stability
Your stem length and wheel choice play a pivotal role in stability at higher speeds. These aspects should be considered before asking the question of stability in general. Yes both frames are stable...but I run a 130mm stem paired with aero wheels at a depth (60-65mm) that is suitable for my weight (74kg).

Final thoughts - For the pursuit of speed (and even climbing) your wheel choice, position on the bike, tire/innertube/tubeless choice, and drivetrain efficiency all matter significantly more than simply comparing weight. The 177 is probably the better choice if bike fit is a concern, you absolutely need a climbing bike, and you don’t need clearance for wider tires. Some people may also prefer the "look" of the 177 which is totally understandable. For everyone else…168 is mostly likely the more reasonable choice. And this actually makes sense, since the Tarmac SL7 is supposed to be the one bike to rule them all.

Okay this guide took way longer than I anticipated. Time to suit up my party clothes, get some drinks in me, and hit the clubs. Have a great weekend.

August 26, 2022, 07:43:40 PM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame
Do you think an unpainted frame has less chances of getting such problems? Maybe its related to the paint? I'm tempted to change my order to unpainted, if it solves these issues.

Doubt it. Bought my VB unpainted and it gives me more brake alignment issues than my non-OM gravel bike or my gf's bike. FWIW my gf's road bike is from a big brand (Felt) and is a bit easier to set caliper alignment, but it's still not "easy" and I'm sure it could be improved by a good tech (for both bikes). Maybe find a shop with the necessary tools and see what they would charge for facing?

August 27, 2022, 01:37:51 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame
Are you using those flat adapters for 160mm rotors, or are you using 140mm, mounting the calipers directly on the frame?

I use both 160 front and rear, so I’m using the adapters for both. They are OG Shimano ones.

August 27, 2022, 02:29:37 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame

I had my fair share of issues:
  • Headset is absolute trash, you can still see the bearings underneath what they call a "seal". Give this 1 ride in the rain and you will grind this down. I will replace those.

I checked the bearings they sent me, mine don't have this. They also have a different color (blue), so I'm wondering if they sent me the right ones at this point.

Still waiting to hear back about my fork. I've basically told them that if they don't resolve it soon, I'll have to start the paypal process of trying to claim my money back. The only satisfactory option would be for them to send me a new fork. At this point I could even send the frame back to them to get my money back, but not sure who would have to eat the $150 USD shipping cost on that.

Let's see where this goes.

August 28, 2022, 01:50:35 AM