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Re: TanTan/Seraph TT-X69 - The Real SuperSix EVO Clone? Alternative to LC017-D?
Of all the road frames I've ever built and reviewed only two have came under 1000g for a size 56:

Tarmac SL8 Pro - 827g
Winspace SLC3 - 829g

I'd call myself a moderate weight weenie. But writing off a $600 frame because it doesn't weigh sub-1000g is concerning. Especially for an aero/all-around frameset. Irrespective of that delta steer tube.

I actually prefer my cheap frames to be around 1000-1100g anyway. It's a built-in insurance policy from the brands just in case I sprint or crash, the frame doesn't catastrophically explode underneath me.

Light, stiff, cheap. Pick two...but you can't have all three.

Time for a "go fund me" on the TT-X68 for review.

December 06, 2024, 04:00:30 PM
Re: Seraph Bikes Superlight 836g X68 - Alternative to SL8 Fakes? Legitimate question - What purpose would leaning into such investigative questions serve as a consumer looking to purchase clearly a fake/copy/unauthorized frameset?

One could argue it's about safety, production quality, or even integrity. I'd argue to probably look elsewhere for frame if any of those metrics are critical. I'm not saying consumers should throw all caution to the wind when buying fakes/copies. But there's an unspoken understanding that even TanTan expects the customer to abide by.

I don't go asking escorts about their history and business practices if all I want is a good time. And also the ease of just leaving the money on the night stand. I kid I kid  ;D

January 02, 2025, 12:18:12 PM