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Re: shipping times from aliexpress
Regarding your frame that shipped via China Post & USPS, what did the tracking history look like?  Were there large gaps between entries?  What was the total days in transit?  Thank you!

The China Post frame just initially had one update showing it shipped and was being processed in Shanghai. It then just froze for awhile until I had a USPS update that it arrived at customs in New York (I'm in California). It took about another week to travel cross-country. Total it was it was about 5 weeks of shipping time. Also if it's shipped via China Post and will deliver through USPS in the US, I'd recommend you get text/email alerts for the tracking number through the USPS website. My local post office is very good at delivering to my neighborhood, but depending on your PO service can be hit-or-miss.

January 11, 2025, 03:10:38 PM
Re: Seraph Bikes Superlight 836g X68 - Alternative to SL8 Fakes?
No fancy metallic colors?

Yes, they have metallics. I went with the stock pearl white but explored other options and tantan send me a number of metallics using the YS paint codes common among Chinese builders.

January 20, 2025, 07:51:31 AM
Re: Seraph Bikes Superlight 836g X68 - Alternative to SL8 Fakes?
My Seraph/ TanTan TT X 68 Build - Size 54 - Matte Black

6.94kg - $2900ish all in. Weight is plus or minus 50gwith grease, and misc hardware not accounted for.
I acquired most of these parts used over the course of 4-5 months, via ebay and facebook. I learned about most of the build options, not named shimano, from this site or via youtube (GC Performance, Pat Lino, China Cycling, etc...). I also built this bike by myself, first time ever doing a frame-up build, and used GC's SL8 bike build and his other videos.

Cool build for the weight and price - just fire!
Tell about the feel, how well the bike rides, how stiff is the frame? What branded bikes can you compare it to?

January 20, 2025, 10:14:19 AM