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Re: Lexon or Carbonda (or....)
You can contact them directly by email: wing [at]

I did an enduro race in July, just swapping the wheels.
And the Swiss Epic, an XC race, in August.
Both with the 120mm fork.
The bike had harsher terrains than it is designed for, and survived 3 crashes.

I won a local enduro in August on my Ican X3 which is a Horst Link version of the 936, and didn't change the wheels lol. Incredibly capable bikes. I've had a lot of bikes and I just love getting on this thing. It is starting to get pretty dinged up, but one day I'll fill the scratches, sand it back and give it the proper paint job it deserves.

October 20, 2021, 02:19:24 PM
Re: Lexon or Carbonda (or....) I went with the Lexon Riot, it seemed to best fit my riding needs and the trails I ride most.  I have more details on my purchase experience thus far on the Lexon Riot thread. 
October 20, 2021, 02:38:48 PM