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Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame Received my frame yesterday. Darker than it's supposed to be but it's lighter than the photo shows, depending on the angle.
May 11, 2021, 11:58:14 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-168 Frame
Frame looks really good!
It looks your installing Di2 if I'm looking at the photo properly.
Where and how are you installing the battery?

You got it. I shoved the battery and wireless transmitter both in the seatpost without issue. The cockpit is so clean that my junction box sticks out like a sore thumb now. In retrospect I would have spend the extra money for an internal handlebar junction A.

Build is 97% complete as I'm just missing a couple of parts but took it for my first 70k ride this am! Felt awesome. Definitely a better fit for me personally. The bars weren't as flexible as I thought although they aren't suuper stiff. I also liked the curved shape of them and wasn't sure about them at first. Climbs well, very responsive. Overall very happy so far.

May 14, 2021, 07:03:27 PM