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Re: LCFS947 - 160mm 4-bar 27+/29
New here, just wondering anyone tried doing a full internal cable routing on this frame or any other with FSA's ICR headset or similar.

HS NO.13/57E ICR 1.5"

with their full ICR stem and whatever. Is it a good idea?

You could, no reason you couldn't. My Fox 36 has plenty of room for that. I was going to run a OneUp EDC stem just so I wouldn't have to set a star nut, but no one would ship me a real one. So I have a regular OneUp, and a starnut. . .

But if  you want fully internal, go that way. It seems very seperate from the rest of the frame design, more dependent on Fork choice. The frame is intended for a 160 mm, tapered fork. So, like I said, plenty of room in mine, just not something I even thought about.

June 15, 2021, 09:06:51 AM