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Re: FM1001 / FM1156 - 135mm frame
I have ridden the non eq version of the Auron back in 2018 or so, and it was smooooth. Then I went on and used a durolux 170mm for 2 years now, with great success, those things are beasts.

Thanks for the feedback, it is appreciated.  I've been looking for ages for a 29er boost 150mm fork to replace the 27.5 Rhythm on my FM10 (am using a crown race spacer) . Everything has become so expensive and people are asking ridiculous prices for 2nd hand.  A mate recommended the Durolux but there are so few user reviews, particularly for the EQ versions. Anyway, have just ordered the last Auron35 RC2 PCS EQ because I am more likely to want to reuse it shorter than longer. Went from Pre-order to 1 left and price went up about $40 so I had to stop procrastinating. Again, thanks.

August 26, 2021, 04:54:08 PM