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Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
I am buying a dvo topaz t3 from a guy who took it off his ibis, just fully serviced as well. Accessing the pump valve doesn't really bother me as I like to adjust the shock once and leave it as is haha..

The problem with that is that the bladders are known to lose air slowly over time so you have to top them off every few rides, or at least once or twice a month, just to be sure.

But if you’re able to figure out a solution we’d be very interested to hear about it. Right now my next best alternative is either an unknown tune Super Deluxe Select+ off Ali for $422, a 2018 Bronson tuned (Low damping) 210x55 Super Deluxe Ultimate for about $600, or a stock Medium tune Fox Float X for $520 (Performance Elite)-$600 (Factory). Not really sure where to get a custom tuned Fox shock out of the box these days, and it’s hard to find even the default tune 210x55 in stock right now.

I’m looking for something to pair with a Marzocchi Z1 most likely, and want a piggyback with a good damper (so no RS Select or Fox Performance stuff, only Select+/Performance Elite or better) but I’m trying to keep this build under $4000 without cutting too many corners….so being able to use any old 210x55 Topaz would be nicer than any of the other options I see so far. Who knows when the second generation T3 will be available.

November 18, 2021, 02:44:02 AM
Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread! Eddy. 220 dollars is a great price for a crash replacement. If you send me a perfectly functional bike and I crack it by crashing into a big rock, that is on me and I am happy to pay to fix it. If you send me a bike with a clearly documented flaw that is not capable of basic trail riding without modifications then that is on the company.  I even emailed you about the issue when you still had the frame. You assured me that my frame was all good with no problems and that the issue was fixed.  You may get away with charging for this, but the trust in your company will take a huge hit. Haideli may save a few thousand in the short term by not taking responsibility for their mistake (deception?), but will probably lose in the long run by losing all consumer trust.  I understand that you are probably not calling the shots but this is bad bad business. No one should by buying frames from Haideli until they step up and take care of all of us who trusted them with our business.
December 17, 2021, 10:13:38 AM
Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread! The holes on mine were fairly over sized and I was able to take an inch or so of black tubing and put a split lengthwise. Then slid it over the cable and pushed it into the hole, slice down. I think it was black aquarium air line tubing, but can find out the size if anyone wants. Can also probably take an old intertube and cut a piece and wrap around until it's the right size and push it all in. But will probably have to unhook the back end so you can pull about a half inch forward and push the entire wrapped section backwards.

Or get something like Sugru or even a blob of silicone caulk...

January 03, 2022, 10:10:13 PM
Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
Haideli is not to take the blame alone - several retailers are using the same "open mold" and all those retailers have the issue to deal with. I bought mine from Winow Cycles, same problem. So it's the provider of the "open mold" that should take the blame.

I'm not blaming heideli for the frame. I'm blaming them for the way they've handling the situation and for lying about the frame being fixed before it actually had been. I can only blame them since that's who I've purchased from and what I experienced.

If you want to share your experience with winow since it seems they've done the same thing, then please go ahead. I already dont trust tantan/winow/seraph because they have provided fake tracking numbers to me in the past (amongst other things) rather than being open and honest about their delays. Which I would completely understand and accept had then been forthright.

January 07, 2022, 02:33:48 PM