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Re: TanTan Seraph TT-X34, FM639 or FM619 SamSida the bike is for me, ChrisB is helping me building it. I have long legs and a shorter torso. My mobility is not extremely good neither. On top I like more classic style frames, only few aero frames are beautiful in my opinion.
Hence I have checked around and the frame that I liked the most, had decent tyre clearance and did not have a dropped seatstay was the FM639. Another point for Tantan was that they sell on Aliexpress, which was very useful a couple of times were the seller did not comply (on top of being happy with my first one the GR029).

I realised now that the same frame is available with Winow under FM219 but with Toray 800 instead of 1000.
At the end there is a limited amount of open mould and the same are probably used by many producers, this is the reason why you see a similar frame offered by different brands. But thanks a lot for your suggestions, I think it is very useful to have an idea of what kind of producers and frames are around!

April 10, 2023, 09:40:43 AM