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Re: Hang Lun They have some cool tech around the use of cast Ti. Though they list a custom order section, whether or not they will sell you a frame as an individual is hit or miss as they are more focused on B2B.

It’s before my time, but I beleive they are the factory that made the Ti Airborne frames back in the day, as well as contemporary frames for some of the bigger names in boutique Ti. There is another factory that also makes frames for higher end frames that does do custom orders through XACD (you can contact them directly or an Alibaba).

Having looked at the prices multiple factories with the genuine intent of starting a Ti based road micro brand and done a sample frame from the latter factory, I will tell you that they offer an extensive menu of options if you know what to ask for and while you can save money if you have a design already in mind, the prices from companies like J Guillem, Bossi, Curve, Holdsworth, Serk etc. that sell Ti frames made from Chinese factories is fair for a company offering a design, customer support, etc.

I couldn’t do it substantially better than those guys already were.

September 09, 2023, 01:52:05 PM
Re: Interesting Aliexpress finds! - good deals, interesting stuff, new products etc! Seeing an increasing number of full builds for sale on Ali. Not bad deals price wise, but definitely don't trust build quality.
I'd have a local shop or mechanic do a full rundown. Even factoring that into budget...its an interesting proposition.

November 06, 2023, 11:05:40 AM
"Lucky Cat", my custom Waltly is finished and about to be shipped. More details to follow. For now, the first photos of the finished frame...

June 05, 2024, 07:43:00 AM