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Re: Cut the fork Mechanically, you need space between the steerer & the top cap because that's how you compress the steerer column. You dont need much, but you do need a few mm otherwise you can't compress the system and you risk having headset play (& catastrophic failure if you really build stuff like a monkey).
Some top caps prevent you from having a spacer above (VB for eg).
Some expander plugs dont have a lip on top of the steerer column (especially the extra light ones)
However you create that space, you need some.

March 15, 2024, 05:51:48 AM
Re: Lightcarbon: New LCR017-D (or Yishun R1058-D) I've had to delete a couple of comments over the past couple of days... just a friendly reminder to keep discourse respectful and avoid personal insults and name-calling. Lots of places on the internet to go and talk shit if that's what you want to do, just not here. Thanks.
June 19, 2024, 07:21:59 AM