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Re: LTWOO ER9 & ERX - Electronic groepsets
Today still got one of the bikes running with my ER9 set and it's still faultless. Not going to say this too loud.. Sold my EGR because of the fear of issues.
If they want they could have a huge portion of the market at the lower price.

eGR thread has been dead silent compared to this eR9/eRX thread. Similar lack of info all around the web on the eGR. Only thing that makes sense to me is that it's more of a niche product and they're selling fewer of them, fewer people are talking about them, etc. Also, there have been no firmware updates at all. Maybe they're selling a ton of them and there are just no issues to report and no issues to correct? I don't know, but I am enjoying the heck out of mine and I hope it continues.

July 15, 2024, 10:13:13 AM