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Re: Elitewheels Drive 50D --> Rim Failure
Hi everyone. New here.
I'm just looking for some light on a small issue and this might be the thread. I bought a pair of Elite Wheels through their store in alixpress. The front wheel came with a very small dent on the rim. This is something to ask for replacement? What you guys think?
I talked to Elite through alixpress and they said to me there is no problem riding it, but i don't know.

Very strange, it's small, but also, it's not small. it's probably fine. If you press on it with your finger, does it feel different than on the rest of the rim? If so, then i'd worry.
I've handled quite a few carbon wheelsets, never had that issue. rim moulds are a super basic shape on the outside, there's no good reason why you'd have such a depression there that i can think of.
Maybe email carbon experts? there are several who're featured a lot on YT, i suspect they get such emails all the time.

April 16, 2024, 02:36:04 AM
Re: Elitewheels Drive 50D --> Rim Failure
Yes it is a little different when i press with my fingers. I also made the coin test and it is different. I'll try again with Elitewheels if they replace it.

Yeah, i'm no expert but it would be a bit sad to hit a pothole at 70kmh and for the rim to disintegrate because of this point of weakness. if you take a video where you can show that there's material missing / it sounds different, you should get aliexpress to take your side even if elite is reluctant.
If they're being unfair / trying to hard ball, you can tell them you will leave negative comments with your experience on the last 20 GCN videos to expose them as crooks or something. Their reputational risk is very high if they refuse to replace stuff when their QC misses material defects in stuff.

April 16, 2024, 07:35:10 AM