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Re: Velobuild VB-R-177 Congrats on the new frame zev! Loved the 177 when I was riding that frame. Regarding cabling, I've always started from the front (cables fitted to brifters) and worked my way back and found that easier. Fitting cables only and then terminating at both ends sounds interesting too. For the sound dampening foam, that usually goes on the section of cable/hose that sits in the downtube area as this is where most of the rattle usually occurs.

The spacer included won't be needed as the fork has the race built into it instead of others that don't.

July 04, 2024, 11:07:23 AM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-177
Hey... about that front derailleur port. When you route, do you end the cable housing with a cap inside the frame, on the little included port, or did you have another section of housing from port to derailleur?  Seems like such an odd design choose to make the cable make the 90 deg turn in the housing, then end the housing just for the straight portion. I'm tempted to simply run the housing the whole way and just add a gromit. not sure how it would work out though.

For those mechanical shimano front derailleurs, its always best to have the cable housing routed all the way to the FD. So I would not recommend to use the grommet that VB supplied and rather find another grommet. Or you could drill out the VB grommet so that the cable housing would fit through

But for best FD shifting, always run the outer cable to the FD.

July 04, 2024, 03:16:38 PM
Re: Velobuild VB-R-177 I've had magical results with liquid moly 3312. I put that stuff EVERYWHERE I could on and around the BB. Went from a horrendous creak to total silent, and that was 350km ago.
It's German, and cheap. My new favorite trade secret.

July 09, 2024, 05:49:33 AM