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Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame
Hi everyone,

I have been lurking this website for couple months now. I was wondering if 12 Speed Wired Shimano 105 would be a bad choice for this frameset with integrated bars. Would that be too much kinks and cabling for good shifting performance?
I am thinking about getting a used groupset but having major doubts. I am good at building bikes, wheels but want to be certain before pulling the trigger.

Appreciate any ideas.


go for it. it's sub optimal, but it does work. Try to run housing from shifter to derailleur, it will help. I put an old shimano 105 FD on a VB fully integrated bike w a sensah shifter and the shifting is great. Sensah FD is an absolute bag of $hit, though.
If the seat stays call for exposed cable between stops, consider drilling through so you can run housing instead. And for your FD, try to get the versions that take housing all the way to the FD, instead of the usual frame cable stop. It's also a major pain to deal with cable stops for FDs, so you'd save yourself headache as well.

January 09, 2025, 06:36:59 AM