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Re: Interesting Aliexpress finds! - good deals, interesting stuff, new products etc!
I've been looking online for thin-enough socket keys, but I can't find anything. There's really very little space around the nut - less than 1mm I would say. I think it's either 7mm or 8mm, but I can't make sure as there's no space for my calipers. Any pointers?

Look for a "Socket nut Driver"  similar to the attached image.  I have purchased a few of these that I have ground down the OD in order to get them to slide into very small spaces.  I have one I ground down for a very similar pedal nut.    Since the nut is what is called a "Nylock" it is fairly easy to loosen/tighten.

June 12, 2024, 09:11:34 AM