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Re: VeloBuild VB-R-268 frame
There is no standardization in testing here. He compares bike ABC with different groupsets, bars, and wheels (incl tyres type, size, wheel depth, spoke type) plus a whole bunch of variables with what looks to be minimal testing time (first impressions). Unless someone sets up bikes with exactly the same components and A/B tests them back to back in set conditions, then isolating and commenting on the frame's "performance" would be mighty difficult.

Correct. First impression video and then long-term video per usual. Even if I were to conduct standardized test, I would get called out for doing "bro science" as other YouTuber's have. Thankfully the support of this very forum over the years is what allows me to continue and make content. I'm very grateful.

April 16, 2024, 03:38:18 PM