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Re: WheelTop EDS OX Series Wireless Derailleur 460 Mile (775)KM) Trip Report i missed this thread when it was 1st posted.
Philosophical question: by which magic did wheeltop send a vibe (on youtube especially) that it was a superior product to ltwoo?
From what i can tell, the build quality is actually lower (the rubber hoods, for eg), and it looks like it basically has the same problems, at the same rate, as ltwoo.

I'd suspect that wheeltop sent a bunch of products to review for free to youtubers for which they just had to make 1 video, vs ltwoo didnt.
I commented on a some random tiny youtuber that his "review" was essentially garbage in garbage out, because he had received a EDS unit and wanted to be done with his commitment to posting a video about it so he can go back to using shimano, and he got really offended.

Using 1st generation chinese electronic groupsets in wet mud is quite brave. last time i rode my gravel bike with my er9, it died.

October 03, 2024, 08:45:39 AM