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Topics - erik

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29er / Specialized Enduro Copy
« on: September 12, 2021, 05:48:33 PM »
Hey all,

I'm looking to build a chiner Specialized Enduro copy. Has anyone crossed a similar frame? I'm unable to find anything like it.

Specialized Enduro:

Hi all,

I'm looking to build a Chiner road bicycle for my girlfriend. She currently has a 2017 Raleigh Revere 1, and is quickly outgrowing it, so I thought it would be perfect to build a bike for her!

What I'm looking for:
- Standard road bike geometry
- Disc brakes
- 28c wheels
- 56cm frame
- ideally hidden cables
- pretty colors (anyone have recommendations to mockup a design?)

What she uses it for
- Daily commuter (San Francisco)
- General riding (~25-50 miles)

Trying to keep the price under $1250 total
- 105 groupset
- Alloy wheels
- Carbon Frame + handlebar

With all that being said, does anyone have the R-099, or have any recommendations for another frame to look into?

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