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Messages - Eddy_Twerckx

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Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Stiff, Aero, Crit Bike
« on: March 21, 2024, 07:17:16 AM »
Yea the TFSA is out. Leaning towards the SP Cycle Aeroad copy. Partially because my other open mold is labeled "CANDY" and this being a Canyon copy could get the same font and do "Candy" on the downtube.

Anybody take a chance on this frameset? Might order one and see how it goes. Wondering if they offer a direct mount derailleur hanger and custom paint to make it more enticing. @spcycle

Dear All:

Attached some information for the new disc brake frame SP-R065.
Thanks for the supporting and interesting.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Stiff, Aero, Crit Bike
« on: March 19, 2024, 06:41:05 PM »
That tfsa has absolutely atrocious geometry, you don't want it. Bross will be selling overseas, available "soon", god knows what exactly soon means here.

It’s not too far off from my Tarmac SL7. The reach is a good bit shorter (12mm) but the stack and top tube length are similar. Wheelbase is 6mm shorter. Could probably make it work with a longer stem.

The Bross looks really nice but seems to be vaporware for now. Would be cool to see it come to the US but all I keep hearing is “coming soon.”

Edit: Ok, the reach is 15mm shorter. So maybe not the best.

The Spycle (Aeroad copy) or TTX38 (Foil copy) are probably leading the race right now. Geo looks good. T47 bottom bracket. Custom paint options.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Stiff, Aero, Crit Bike
« on: March 19, 2024, 05:02:18 PM »
Revisiting this as the weather is warming up and I need to make a decision on the new race bike. Really just want a stiff bike to race crits.

Have considered:

- TT-X38/DCRF26 (Scott Foil copy) Looks nice, can get it for $500 right now on sale. ot super stiff according to some.

- Spycle (Canyon Aeroad copy)

- TFSA JH-10

- Hygge Model S

Or to go completely the other way, a local guy is selling a State Undefeated Road Disc frameset for $300. It's alloy, heavier than the open mold frames, and doesn't have hidden cables or any real aero features. Build it up with deep carbon wheels and parts I have laying around. Can pick up a fork from Winspace for another $300 to hide all the cables. But at that point it's more expensive than the open molds. The benefit is that it's going to be stiff and probably not have the assembly issues as is normal here.

Or go more expensive with an Allez sprint. Know entity thats stiff and aero, hidden cables, plus a warranty and local support.

Why are the 390, 396, and 369 frames all the same on that page?

Any more long term reviews of this frame? Can pick one up for around $500 USD with the current AliEx sales. I want a stiff bike to race crits. Wondering if this will fit that bill.


Yes! They make exactly what I need. Now just need to buy one.

The white one is actually the exact thing I'm looking for to match the frame I have. I've emailed Winspace to ask about buying. I wonder if there are other channels to get a hold of one.

Focus Izalco Race with Cube Attain fork.....(frame head tude and fork tube tapered 1 1/8"-1 1/4"

Frame with  Defy OD2 fork

Detail upper headset (FSA OD2)


Hmm. Interesting. All the diagrams I've seen would suggest that the Giant OD2 bearings and headset pieces are smaller than my current setup. So maybe the cups are recessed more with the Giant.

The Giant top bearing is 6mm, my normal top bearing is 8mm. So it should sit lower in the frame. But it looks like the Giant frame bearing is recessed into the frame. I wonder if a different top cap would work.

I ordered a Giant bearing to try with my frame to see what it looks like. We'll see.

This afternoon I take photos of the Giant fork mounted on the Focus frame

at the moment bearings of the Giant

OD2 fork: Upper – MR136 – 32.8 x 41.8 x 6 – 45/45     Lower – MR137 – 37 x 46.9 x 7 – 45/45

OD fork Upper – MH-P08F – 30.5 x 41.8 x 8 – 45/45      Lower – MH-P22 – 34.1 x 46.9 x 7 – 45/45

As you will the upper one only the thickness changes 6 vs 8 and obviously the inner diameter

in the lower one only the inner diameter

If it’s a thickness issue, I imagine a few spacers could solve that? Or maybe a different top cap?

without counting the new TCR 2025...all previous TCRs have the seat for the steering the same up or all TCR frames can mount OD2 or OD fork......You just have to install the appropriate bearings, up and down.

I have a Giant OD2 fork at home and I can place the fork on a Focus frame and on a Cube, with the OD2 lower bearing...the problem is at the top, although the bearing fits into the frame, when putting the adjustment wedge and the bearing cover, there is a lot of space between it and the frame

From what I have looked at, the superior OD2 bearing has an external diameter the same as other bikes with a 1 1/8 headset (the ones named Focus and Cube and many others...) but that bearing, the wedge and the cover are specific for OD2 forks.....There may also be a difference in the depth of the seat at the top of the frame.....

in short.....In the same TCR frame we could mount their OD2 and OD forks and other forks that have a 1 1/4" bottom, but the Giant OD2 forks with a 1 1/4" top tube would not be suitable for other frames....we would just have to check the Canyon and Scott using above 1 1/4"

Are you saying the Giant bearing is too short or too tall? Or rather, is the bearing seat too far down in the steerer? I’m trying to visualize what you said. Do you have any pictures?

Email EXS. They have shown a fork that appears to be what you are looking for integrating cables on a Tarmac SL6. It was captured by one of the more technical members of the Escape Collective community.

Interesting. I wonder if it’s the same fork with a different headset. I was looking at the diagrams and the outer diameter of the top bearing is the same for the TCR and Tarmac (and most road bikes). The inner diameter is what is difference to fit the bigger steerer tube. I wonder if you could just buy a TCR headset assembly to make it work.

EXS makes a carbon fork that's meant to hide the cables on the old TCR. I'm wondering if anybody makes a similar fork with a 1 1/8" steerer tube.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: TanTan TT-X38 Build
« on: March 03, 2024, 10:05:38 AM »
How are you guys finding the stiffness of this frame? I'm looking for a stiff aero frame for crits. Would this fit the bill?

Hi Eddy,

Currently at £486 on AliExpress. I agree about the handlebar / stem combo. I Currently use 38 / 110mm but considering 36 / 110mm. My current cockpit is a Og Evkin HB1300. Big fam of this and would be great if it was compatible with the Spcycle frame.


Yea I noticed you can save some money if you order it without the cockpit, which is nice since it would just gather dust in the garage. Price isn’t terrible. It’s definitely on my short list. Still eating until the Taipei Bike Show to see what’s new. Rumor is that Bross will be selling the Zenith aero bike to other countries (like me in the US). So if they do I’d probably go with that. But this is a decent option for a lot less money.

Looks pretty good. Definitely looks like the Aeroad which isn’t a bad thing because that’s a sexy bike. Really short stem options and wide bars without any narrow options so I would need a new cockpit that fits. Wish they would start making narrow bars with longer stem options (38/120). Curious what the derailleur hanger options are for a direct mount RD. What’s the price?

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