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Messages - carbonazza

Pages: 1 ... 150 151 [152] 153 154 ... 165
David Millar is quite against disc brakes and may have a strong point.
A pity the page looks like a car ad but there are some interesting bits:

I understand that the small tire patch can't handle the full stopping power of the brake.
But I still think the combination of both more power and a smaller diameter will offer much more modularity before blocking the wheel.

29er / Re: My 256-SL
« on: May 07, 2015, 03:31:53 PM »
You didn't put any chainstay protector. Like me initially.

Recently I protected about 10cm around the derailleur cable entry.
When the chain is on the 2 smaller sprockets, and on bumpy terrain.
It hits the frame there, and wears it significantly.

The only problem I got with CB pedals, is I had to sand paper the grips of my shoes sole, where the axle touches the sole.
The grips were a little to high compared to the cleats, and made the pedal hard to engage.

If the app works on that antiquated hardware :), probably yes.

From the home wifi.
Download the map(you can pick the scale and tiles of the map to have offline, it is OpenStreeMap by Mapquest).

Then on the track, put the GPS on, load the route, and follow it.
Put the app as offline, in the settings.
And you'll see how the battery goes.

For the trails, you can give a look at
You can import GPX routes, and follow them on the map while riding.
And it can record your ride, with a GPX format too.
Maps(OpenStreetMap) can be downloaded on the phone for offline use and save battery.

And if you need to go on a road from a point A to B, with classical turn by turn, you can use Google Map.
But this may drain the battery quicker.

If Crank Brothers don't honor their warranty, may be this can help:

When mine break(it is quite common apparently), I'll give them a try.

Component Deals & Selection / Re: Wheels
« on: May 03, 2015, 01:21:34 PM »
If you live in Europe, a laced wheel fall in an anti-dumping category, and you may get a 48.5% importation tax.
While if you import just the rims, you get the usual 4%.

I don't like the idea of using my phone as a GPS since the GPS will drain the battery at a faster rate

I was thinking this too. It looks phone have improved.

I tested some 3-4 hours rides with the GPS on.
Showing the map in offline mode, and recording the route.

Starting at 100%, the battery ends at about 70%.
This will cover all my usual rides.
In addition most rugged phone have an increased battery capacity.

Here is another piste to consider...

I tried few rides with my iphone attached on the stem inside a cheap waterproof case.
Using a software called

My plan now as it works quite well, is to find a chinese rugged android phone.
And use it as my nav device.

It should cost 150€ or so.
OpenStreetMap and OpenCycle map are quite good.
But for about 15-20€/year you can get a subscription to the very precise army maps here in some European countries.
The maps can even be stored on the phone.

29er / Re: Workswell WCB-M-062?
« on: April 25, 2015, 02:14:44 PM »
If you have the will to unmount the fork, you should see better from the headset holes.

After The Ride / About living in a wet area
« on: April 24, 2015, 07:57:08 AM »
Just outside of Bristol, England

Our roads in summer:

Our roads in winter:

SamSkjord, I'm reacting a month later to your pictures.
And didn't want to hijack the "where do you live?" post

Bristol looks much like Belgium, but worse :)

Do you ride the whole year?
Do you clean your bike each time?
Do you have to change bearings(other parts?) regularly?

Are there any others who ride in the wet too(cold or warm)?
How do you cope with it?

Fat Bikes / Re: 2015 Trek Stache 29+
« on: April 23, 2015, 09:10:12 AM »
If elevated chainstays come back in favor, the very lucrative chainstay protector market would collapse entirely :)

29er / Re: Workswell WCB-M-062?
« on: April 22, 2015, 05:42:23 PM »
I would try all of this:
Either guide it with fingers, from the bottom hatch you seem to have.

Or may be there are some holes in the BB (like the 256) that helps guide it at the top of the BB.
Or maybe there is an inner hose (like the 057?).

You can as well, first use a steel cable inside, guiding it with a magnet, it works quite well.
And then attach the hose to that cable and pull it inside the frame.

Or if nothing works, contact the vendor to know how it is supposed to work.

Component Deals & Selection / Re: XTR M9000 with KMC X11SL chain?
« on: April 20, 2015, 05:00:30 PM »
Absolute Black recommend the KMC X11 SL chain on their website.
KMC's message is somehow misleading by saying it works on XX1.

Thanks for the list, I now have a series of potential upgrades :)

29er / Re: IP-256SL by MTB2223
« on: April 20, 2015, 07:07:26 AM »
I don't clean it too much or pressure wash, but ride in rather harsh conditions during the winter.

My BB was closed, a simple waterproof aluminium tube with two profiled end for the bearings.
Water and mud were getting in anyway.
Definitely through the shaft/bearing interface or the bearing seals.

I drilled two holes through bottom the hatch and BB, and now when removing the crank arm, it is generally clean and dry.
The bearings still doesn't last long, but longer than without holes.

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