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Messages - carbonazza

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29er / Re: My first bike build: IP-256SL
« on: October 10, 2014, 04:18:48 AM »
If you draw a line along the headtube center axis.
Then draw a parallel line, passing through the center of the front wheel.

The offset is the distance between the two lines.

29er / Re: My first bike build: IP-256SL
« on: October 07, 2014, 07:40:11 AM »
flanglian, if you look at
Which is the import tab of the page you referenced.

You can find the Additional code 8900
Which means if you are not amongst the exempted, you get the ADD.

While the non painted frames have this code:
Which does not have those additional code, and ADD.

These are not UK specific codes, they are the same in all Europe.

29er / Re: MY IP-256-SL Build
« on: October 07, 2014, 04:20:05 AM »
That is a very nice 1x combination!

Could you please describe the different parts?
Cassette, derailleur and chainring.

As a european, I'm not fond on golden chains, but this may interest some others :)

29er / Re: My first bike build: IP-256SL
« on: October 07, 2014, 04:16:19 AM »
If you talk with the customs, or the post office, and if you have your frame unpainted (raw carbon finish), let them know.
As this kind of frame is out of the 48.5% anti-dumping fee they should apply per European laws.
Painted frames fall under the anti-dumping.

Component Deals & Selection / Re: Bike lights
« on: October 03, 2014, 08:56:53 AM »
I ordered one, few weeks ago on ebay.
It is less bright than advertised.

I thought it could replace my Lupine pico 3 at 900lm, but it is less bright.
I will buy a bigger battery for the Lupine, and stay with it.

The chinese light had some success with my friends who forgot their light recently.
They were happy to have it.
As for the autonomy, we did not use it for more than 2 hours, and there was still juice.

It is bulkier than it looks on picture.
But overall for the price, it is more than ok.

A heavier hub, being near the center, should have a negligible impact on the rotational torque compared to heavier rims.
I'm very interested to know if you will feel a big difference with the new wheels.

After The Ride / Re: PSA: Check your tire sealant early and often!
« on: October 03, 2014, 02:25:34 AM »
Is there any trick to check the level of sealant other than removing the tire?
The noise maybe?

29er / Re: How often do you true your wheels?
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:21:31 PM »
I finally bought a spoke wrench.
Put some zip ties on the frame, and trued the wheel mounted on the bike with the tire on.

The first spoke was a bit rock and roll(for a moment, the spoke blade became a spiral).
I then gripped the spokes with a plier to keep them straight, while screwing the nipples.

One thing that helps is snipe's pitch trick.
You can quickly spot the spoke that has a trouble, just by the sound it makes compared to the others of the same side.

In about 20 minutes, the wheel was true again.

29er / Re: Frame dimension questions
« on: October 01, 2014, 03:56:01 AM »
You need to look at the crown to axle distance, and the offset at the axle.
Then compare it to the geometry file.

If it is shorter, your bike is less stable but easier to turn.
If it is longer, your bike keeps better its curse, but harder to turn.

I do not remember exactly but I think I'm 10 or 20mm off the geo length with my 100mm Lefty.
I don't know your level,  I ride around 60-70km per week. But can't feel anything wrong.
The bike is incredibly easy to ride.

29er / Re: IP-036 Fully MTB beeing made in Germany
« on: September 30, 2014, 04:28:55 AM »
Sitar_Ned, there is no logic there.

I tried to understand the law, which seems to originate from the european commission finding that China is sponsoring unfairly its steel industry.

Bike are made of steel, right? So let's put the anti dumping taxes on bikes coming from China too. Oh yeah, good idea!
But wait... most bikes are made of Aluminium these days. Ah ok, so let's put them too in the anti dumping bag.
But wait...wait... what is this? A bike frame, made in... carbon... hum... is it painted or lacquered? Yes. Ah ok, put it in the bag too.

I tried to talk to these guys to show them the absurdity of the situation.
It is hopeless.

And best of all, the post office applied the lacquered TARIC code on my raw carbon frame, by mistake.
So I got the anti dumping.
The customs recognised the mistake, but the postman didn't reimburse me yet after 2 months.

29er / Re: IP-036 Fully MTB beeing made in Germany
« on: September 29, 2014, 07:03:45 PM »
A note about painted frame arriving in Europe.

A painted frame from China, falls under the TARIC  code 8714 91 10 39 - 8900.
Which gets a 48.5% anti dumping fee. The VAT comes on top of the sum.

However if you keep it raw carbon.
It falls under the TARIC code 8714 91 10 89.
There is no anti dumping. Just the VAT.

The same applies for wheels coming from China.
If they are laced, you get the same anti-dumping tax.
While raw carbon rims, do not get it.

You may be lucky, and pass through the net. Or use your military trick to avoid all this.
For now some countries like Spain, the UK and the Netherlands do not apply it systematically.
But I heard from the customs here, they will enforce this law in all EU countries.

29er / Re: How often do you true your wheels?
« on: September 19, 2014, 03:51:20 PM »
Thanks Carbon_Dude, I didn't know that.

I will try to find an LBS who does it.
And drop for now, to learn truing them myself.

29er / Re: How often do you true your wheels?
« on: September 19, 2014, 11:54:27 AM »
Me too. I bought a second hand bike, with its wheels on.
And after a year full of rides, I never thought it was necessary to do it.
It looks it's not the same now :)

29er / How often do you true your wheels?
« on: September 19, 2014, 08:45:17 AM »
Yesterday while putting oil on the chain, I noticed the rear wheel was not perfectly true anymore.
Over an area of 6 spokes and max 4mm out, and only minor scratches on the rim.
The front wheel is still perfect.

The last rides were rough and fast.

I contacted who built them, for advice.
And they told me that after a few rides, you need to re-true the wheelset.
While I knew I would have to learn this, I didn't expect to have to do this so often.

How often do you true your wheels?

After The Ride / Re: iPhone or Android??
« on: September 10, 2014, 11:06:20 AM »
I started with a 3Gs.

Then I received a Nexus Android at a Google I/O conference, an switched.
Used it for about 2 years.

Although the processor was more powerful, it was somehow lagging compared to the 3Gs.
I read since that the screen of the iPhone were reacting twice as fast to touch compared to all other android phones on the market.
This is probably why they looked so better.

Now I have an iPhone 5, and looking for good reasons to explain my wife I want the 6 :)

Then I bought recently the Moto G for the kids.
I was very surprised how good they are for the price, and the new Android OS is far better than before.
And I'm seriously thinking to buy a Moto G or Moto E, as a bike computer.

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