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Messages - carbonazza

Pages: 1 ... 158 159 [160] 161 162 ... 165
Component Deals & Selection / Re: internal cable routing
« on: September 04, 2014, 02:23:13 PM »
The frame doesn't look to be waterproof.
I plugged all holes I saw, but I still don't know where it comes from.

After each wet ride, some water and mud accumulate at the bottom.
Just above the hatch, if the cable was there as designed, it would end in that soup.

So I'm quite happy to have the cable sitting over the BB in the hose.
In addition the hose is not that long and seems to be lubricated.
Time will tell, but from now on, the shifting is very smooth.

Component Deals & Selection / Re: internal cable routing
« on: September 04, 2014, 08:38:45 AM »
From your pictures, it looks the bottom bracket and headset are already mounted.

You need to remove the white hose to drill.
Loosing the guide to pass the cable through the frame.

The only option is to dismantle the BB and the headset.
As you will need to guide the hose with your fingers.

If you want to finish this evening... I'm afraid it will be a no-drill

After The Ride / Re: Swedish Carbon Fiber
« on: September 03, 2014, 04:49:12 AM »
They talk about balancing the wheel (around 4:12).

Would it make sense to balance the wheel of a bike?
When the bike is on the stand, and pedalling.
It start to shake front/back. The wheel is clearly not balanced.

It could be about the valve too, as he says in the video.
But I didn't try with the tyre out.

29er / Re: 256 build by carbonazza
« on: September 03, 2014, 04:34:43 AM »
These frames are generally built on order.

Honsen offers any BB you ask them.
Like many providers you will see referenced here.

29er / Re: Hi all from nottingham.
« on: September 02, 2014, 10:06:41 AM »
Just a note about the 256 frame.
I took the PF30 bottom bracket version of that frame.

I live in Belgium, which I guess is on par with Nottingham for the wet weather.
And this summer is wet, it is as muddy as october right now.

The 256 frame allows some water/mud to enter the frame. I didn't spot yet the source.
But it results in a very quick contamination of the BB bearings.
I serviced the bearings once, to no avail.

I contacted the seller of my XX1, and will return the BB to them/SRAM.
May be the bearings were not properly sealed, or of poor quality.
But I'm afraid it is the whole SRAM PF30 BB that is poorly designed for wet weather.

In the meantime, I found which seems to have the perfect design for this problem.
And ordered the last one they had in stock. I'm waiting for it.

All this to say, if you choose a 256 frame (which is a great frame, by the way).
Take a BSA BB, as carbon_dude suggests.

And consider investing into a compatriot Hope bottom bracket, they say "BB that stands up to British weather":

29er / Re: IP-256SL by MTB2223
« on: September 02, 2014, 05:26:51 AM »
I unscrewed the rails, then pulled it out. It didn't come.
I pulled a bit stronger, and it came :)

29er / Re: IP-256SL by MTB2223
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:35:59 AM »
For your information, the tube is a single plastic piece with the cable rails.
The two rails, you can see when you open the bottom hatch.

Since I don't have a front derailleur and run a full hose for the rear shifter, I removed it.
And plugged the hole.

29er / Re: IP-256SL by MTB2223
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:48:24 PM »
May be try it for a few rides like it is.
Then if you see some wear on that tube.

You could try to find a small metal hose ferrule with the appropriate diameter.
And put it at the end of the hose to strengthen its end.

Road Bike Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Dengfu FM29A
« on: August 31, 2014, 01:53:13 PM »
Hi outriding9800,

Did you mean 12.5lbs?
Could you explain more, what was that learning curve for carbon forks?
Thanks for sharing the pictures.

29er / Re: IP-106 on the way
« on: August 28, 2014, 02:52:26 AM »
I plan to put a telescopic seatpost on my 256.
I replaced the front derailleur white hose by a brake cable..

One end of the cable is waiting high in the seat tube.
The other end is out, taped on the top side of the frame.

The day I place the seatpost.
Hopefully, I will just have to attach the command hose to my cable, and pull it in through the frame up to the seatpost.
Without having to dismantle the BB or the headset.

29er / Re: Assembly Tech
« on: August 26, 2014, 04:10:16 AM »
I used the VENZO Torque wrench, $56 on eBay)
It comes with most hex and torx keys I needed.
It stops at 24Nm so you don't have the 40Nm for the crank arm.

And no carbon paste.
Gently tightening the carbon parts(bar, stem, seatpost), and nothing moved so far.

Good luck for your build!

I've separated the post. We'll see where this go.

Why have you posted the link to the analytic sites ?-)
I clicked on the toolkit button, and discovered a treasure trove of information to parse.
My productivity this morning was again knocked off by bike related readings!

The price looks steep indeed.

I checked on and the full Ultegra set is 1200€
With the groupset and brakes(vbrakes not disc).;navigation=1;menu=1000,4,26;product=24763

Peter is even selling a specific frame for di2!!

Considering the set is probably the most expensive parts of the bike.
And the savings on suspension forks.
This looks it would end cheaper than my mountain bike.

I must stop this now, when it is still time :)

After a very gratifying MTB build.
I got a kind of virus, and cannot think riding a road bike without building it.

My first doubt is about shifters.
Electronic or not?

Here's the first answer I got:

Personally I think Nintendo gears are the best thing since sliced toast! The price, less so :-\ and until someone starts paying me in something other than cake to ride bikes I can't justify Ultegra/dura-ace prices so Di2 105 needs to hurry on up.

Sram Red is iirc still the lightest groupset if that's your thing (I stopped being such a weight-weenie after about 30 seconds of playing with
Sram also have a wireless electronic groupo on the way but not till next year some time and I'm not expecting it to be cheap.

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