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Messages - Sitar_Ned

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 57
26er & 27.5 (650b) / Re: Damn, cracked seat tube.
« on: May 24, 2022, 04:37:57 PM »
Oh man, what a bummer.

It's not much and it may not help, but if you want, you can tell Eddy that I'll give him free 30 days of a banner advertisement if he'll replace the frame for you. That might help it make more financial sense for him.

26er & 27.5 (650b) / Re: Monsuta x Snacks AM831 build
« on: October 15, 2021, 01:40:41 PM »
Wow, I personally think it looks awesome. Probably one of my favorite-looking builds here yet. Logo def looks much better after the edit, good suggestion.

Nice build, enjoy!

29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: September 16, 2021, 08:03:07 AM »
This is out of control. I thought this thread was about the frame, and shipping etc. Wow. Admin?

We're here and hear you. As JJJ said, I think this thread has stayed mostly on-topic... veered off the rails a bit here and there but self-corrected. At almost 40 pages that's bound to happen a bit. All good.

I will encourage everyone to start your own build threads to ask specific questions in regards to issues with your build (and to post pics and show off, of course), as it will just help keep things more organized and therefore more helpful for other people looking for information. Please do try and title your thread with your forum handle in it or something to differentiate it from the others that are bound to pop up. Will be confusing to have 5 different "My 831 build thread" posts to go through.

Also, I think the fact that this thread is stickied to the top of the forum means that people will instinctively go straight to it with any 831 questions. Since this group buy is complete, I'll un-sticky it now. That should help.

Cheers all.

After The Ride / Re: Airtags!
« on: September 15, 2021, 06:25:54 PM »
This is a cool post from the creator of the airtag mount I posted before.

Very cool. Simple invention, big results. This looks to be one of the better options.

After The Ride / Re: Airtags!
« on: September 14, 2021, 04:54:27 PM »
Not yet, but likely soon. I was all excited about this bc I thought I could just secure it deep inside the frame and no one would ever know it's there but then I realized that wasn't possible so I kinda abandoned the idea, but your's looks pretty hidden.

29er / Re: Bought the Dengfu M08 complete bike - I was in for a surprise.
« on: September 13, 2021, 09:39:41 AM »
Good job, looks great. Well, at least now that you were practically forced into learning some bike mechanic skills you can do your own service and maintenance. I know it's not for everyone, but I personally don't ever want to ride another bike that I don't build myself. I just don't trust other people to not take shortcuts and I like knowing that every bolt is greased properly and torqued to spec. Gives me peace of mind when riding.

After The Ride / Re: Forum name?
« on: August 30, 2021, 05:08:20 PM »
Thank you for for the very thorough and thoughtful response Sistar_Ned! It sounds like we share a lot of the same values. I hear everything you're saying and appreciate where it's coming from and your openness to have the conversation in a respectful way.

Personally I don't think I was ever offended by the name, it just got me thinking, so I wanted to get the conversation going in case others may be thinking the same or it got other thinking about that as well. I definitely didn't mean to point fingers at anyone either participating in the forum or those organizing it, so if it came across like that, apologies.

This seems like a really great space and I personally have gotten a lot of value from it, so for that thank you.

No need to apologize at all. It came across to me just as you intended it to, as an effort to start a conversation. I didn't feel you were pointing fingers at anyone. And you're very welcome. Thank you and all the other members for being a part of and contributing to this community.

But at least spell my name right man! ;D

After The Ride / Re: Forum name?
« on: August 28, 2021, 01:37:28 PM »
Huh. Well, I have to be honest, I did not see that coming at all. It never once occurred to me that someone could potentially be offended by the forum's name.

First of all, I want to say that as adriaanm said, we can certainly talk about these things and ask these questions if it is on the minds of the community, and there's only one person that can address this and that would be me, so I'll try my best to communicate fully, clearly, and honestly.

I came up with the name "Chinertown" myself while researching my first chiner build. Users on other forums had already coined the term "chiner" as a play on words combining 29er bikes and Chinese carbon bikes. I just took it one step further and combined "chiner" with "Chinatown". There was never any negative racial element to it whatsoever. In fact, I think if you look at the functionality of the forum then it would be hard to argue otherwise. The forum facilitates commerce with China and other Asian countries. It directly benefits Asian entrepreneurs. I realize that could be separated out from the meaning of the name, but I do think it's something to factor into the equation.

I'll also say that in regards to the responses that were interpreted as "you're wrong, get out of here" that I don't really think they mean for you specifically to get out of here and those very same users would likely help you out in any way that they could if you asked. I can empathize with where they are coming from just as I can empathize with where you are coming from. It just seems like everything gets so politicized these days and getting online and being a part of a community that you share like interests with can be an escape from that. So when it creeps in people may have a tendency to want to push it out. That said, we should definitely be able to talk about these things.

I try to keep a very "libertarian" approach to the forum and never want anyone here to feel as though the conversation is being censored, controlled, or directed in ways suited to the ideals or goals of one or a group of individuals. I've been a member of forums that I really enjoyed that went south for those reasons and it's always such a bummer when that happens. If you notice, you can edit your posts for an indefinite amount of time. If you want to come back 5 years later and either delete or edit your posts, you're free to do so. Most forums don't allow that as it leaves room for spam and it's also not good for Google rankings. Say someone starts a thread and makes a long post with the right keywords and that topic starts showing up in Google and bringing traffic to the forum.. and that person decides to come back a year later and edit the post and possibly removes the specific keywords. Well, that would likely mean that post would lose its spot in the Google rankings, and forum growth would take a small hit. We leave editing control to you so that each community member can keep control of their own words and never cedes it fully to the forum. I say that to illustrate that it's important to me that users feel comfortable in saying and discussing whatever they choose so long as (like it says in the very description of this board) it isn't derogatory or offensive. You were neither, and you were thoughtful and respectful, so thanks for that, and please do feel free to discuss what you think is important, but also understand that others are free to tell you if they don't like it. It goes both ways.

Lastly, and I say this with respect, but the name will absolutely not be changed. Not only would that be a technical nightmare (this is a 7-year-old .com domain name and that has value in various ways) but it would also be against community ideals IMO. Just as you are free to do and say as you wish so long as you are respectful and have good intent... so am I. I know for a fact there are no negative racial implications to the forum name whatsoever and therefore it would be wrong to change it based on others' incorrect interpretations.

Now.. I'll be honest, if someone does find it offensive... that does bother me and kinda hurts my feelings a bit as I would never want to offend people in that way. I love people, I love the internet, and I love online communities, and I'm also somewhat of a people pleaser so I really hope that if anyone has that initial first impression, that they will keep an open mind and judge the forum, myself, and the community for their actions.

I hope that sheds some light on things for you or anyone else that may question this. If you are going to be part of an online community, I think you have every right to question the integrity of those involved. I hope you'll stick around and please feel free to hit me up if you need anything.


29+ & 27+ / MOVED: Tideace 2022 29er Boost 12*148mm New Mold MTB029
« on: August 17, 2021, 08:57:55 PM »
This topic has been moved to 29er.

29er / Re: Tideace FS-AM831 New Groupbuy (B) Order
« on: August 11, 2021, 02:48:23 PM »
Hi Eddy,

I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of editing your thread title to add the "B" designation to this group buy and did the same to the first group buy but added the designation of "A".

This is just a suggestion, but to avoid confusion, perhaps the group buys could be referred to as "831-A", "831-B", "831-C", etc. And if there is a group buy for a different frame in the future, then just use the same naming scheme but with that frame's model number. Example: "P9-A", "P9-B", etc.

As always, open to suggestions/better ideas.

29er / MOVED: Light Carbon LCES004 E Bike Build
« on: July 31, 2021, 09:37:53 AM »

E-Bike Frames & Builds / Re: Light Carbon LCES004 E Bike Build
« on: July 30, 2021, 09:35:48 AM »
Thanks for the update and pics, Snack! Appreciate you sharing.

To me, the price of $3309.21 is a damn good deal and just about the max I'd ever want to pay for a bike ($3500 maybe $4k) so that's great... puts a custom carbon EBike in reach for me.

So the LTWOO drivetrain and Meroca brakes are really that good huh? I haven't yet purchased anything other than chiner carbon bits but I think if I do build up an EBike I'll likely follow a blueprint very similar to yours and try out some of these other components.

29er / Re: Welcome to Chinertown - Introduce Yourself!
« on: July 26, 2021, 10:57:37 AM »
Hello all,
I've been lurking around here for a couple of months researching frames and figured I should join the forum.

Hi ASB77, welcome to the forum! Glad to have you and all of the other new members.

Interesting looking "franken-chiner", Puck luck!

E-Bike Frames & Builds / Re: Light Carbon LCES004 E Bike Build
« on: July 19, 2021, 10:07:22 AM »
Any update on the build, Snacks?

29er / Re: The shiney new AM831 Group Buy thread!
« on: June 24, 2021, 12:59:33 PM »
Also I wonder if this thing will fit on this frame, I might try it out and see..

Pretty certain I've read elsewhere in this forum that the cascade link won't work this frame, unfortunately. Don't think anyone has actually tried though so if you decide to do so, please do share the results!

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