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29er / Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
« on: July 24, 2019, 02:39:18 AM »
Frame is finally at home. :)

This is a medium size, normal version with matte finish.
I checked an approximate 2kg as claimed in description.

First impressions :
The matte finish is really minimalist, you can see sometimes the carbon sheet trough the varnish.
Overall quality is really good, better than the pictures on website, even the inside of the frame is excellent, a step further from my LCFS902.

Some screw are torx, better to know.
All the cables are internal, there are no guides inside so you can put them as you want. Thus for the rear derailleur you must use full lenght housing. No need to mention this is single chainring only.

Compared to my bike, when you move the suspension without shock you can really feel the rebond from the pivotless rear triangle, something to think about when tuning the shock.
Shock mount is trunnion and 22,2mm upper side.

29er / Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
« on: July 23, 2019, 01:12:07 AM »
I'm planning to order a lightweight frame somewhere August-September, so in the winter I can build the bike up. Which size are you guys ordering, just your regular size, or one size smaller due to the length of the bike? Couldn't find any recommendated size based on length on the NS Bikes site yet, neither on the Stevens site.
Actually also curious to know if someone already received the frame, and can tell us more about finishing quality, final weight, etc.
If you like forward geometry go with your regular size and a short stem, it's what i will do. Or pick a size smaller and use a longer stem but seat tube can be too small.
That's why i think this frame is designed to use stem in the 40mm to 60/70mm(if you're XC lycra rider) range.

First impression, weight check to come...

29er / Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
« on: July 15, 2019, 12:11:14 PM »
Dealing with Wing, it's not a problem of communication or reliability, i think you can trust them, they seems professional and honest sellers.

It's the global process slow. For example my frame was done july 1st and was only sent july 8th. It's 1 week lost, and now the problem with the post delays me 2 or 3 weeks more.
Not to mention first contact around april 15, they said me 1 month delay... Why advertising for a frame you need in fact 4 months to deliver.

So yes to potential buyers, be really patient. Moreover i think the factory will probably have to build the frames for stevens bike, ns bikes in priority.

29er / Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
« on: July 11, 2019, 02:03:05 AM »
I hope to get one early July if it's not delayed more.

Any news of your frame ?
It's supposed to be sent thus tracking doesn't work, process is desperately slow.
edit : it took them almost a week to go to the post office and now they say me the parcel was probably taken out for safety check? anyone heard that about china post?
There's 50% chance i ask a refund soon and stop this comedy.

If you want to buy the frame it seems there is no stock, frames are made on demand and you have to wait for the factory and then test and then finally postage if you're lucky...

29er / Re: Lightcarbon LCFS937 Build
« on: July 02, 2019, 07:53:30 AM »
These failures are more or less predictable.
The suspension cannot work if something doesn't flex, when you see the section of the rear triangle you don't imagine this thing to flex a lot so i think there's a lot of stress going in the bearings and in the front triangle.
Moreover in france we have the brand Sunn which had many problems of cracks on their shamann with similar split seat tube design and shock position...

29er / Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
« on: June 18, 2019, 08:20:39 AM »
Anyone with more news/info about this frame? Anyone ordered one?

I hope to get one early July if it's not delayed more.
It's reassuring to see some frames already riding as Stevens prototypes.

Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components / Re: Help with Gravel frame
« on: June 12, 2019, 07:57:48 AM »
There are a lot of people going with carbonda frames. They currently have 2 models, you can find a huge thread on carbonda frames on forum.

But there are so much different ways to do gravel it's hard to give advice.
For instance : do you want a sporty bike (long stem, low stack) or a relaxed bike? do you want to go 650b or stick to 700 with skinny tires? do you need to put luggage for long days on bike? ...

29er / Re: SPCYCLE SP-M09
« on: May 27, 2019, 04:18:58 AM »
About geometry, for me reach is way too short (413mm for the medium).
The average reach on xc bikes is around 430mm for medium size and now the trend is going to even more enduroed geometry around 450mm reach (new mondraker, new pivot,...).

About suspension, that's a classical 4 bar linkage like the old specialized epic, active on small bumps but probably more sensitive on pedaling.

I prefer the workswell m-145 which is very similar with same suspension design, nearly identical geometry but with a longer reach.

Vendor Discussion & Reviews / Re: EIECarbon
« on: April 27, 2019, 07:55:33 AM »
I just received from them a pair of novatec/pillar bladed spokes/A29C25D22(standard version).
I think build quality is good, nothing went wrong after first ride.
Price is pretty good, communication too.

About the rim A29C25D22, they do the job i was expecting. Compared to crest mk3, they have approximately the same weight so acceleration is similar but they seem more responsive when you put high power. Ride is a bit more rigid and precise but my fear of having something to harsh is away :) nevertheless you can't rely too much on front wheel flex to save you from wrong line choice like you do with aluminium rim.

29er / Re: What's coming in 2019
« on: April 11, 2019, 05:10:33 AM »
It should be surprising that promance change drastically his new bike if they are to release it soon. They don't take many risks in copying the orbea oiz, that's a proven geometry working either in 100 or 120mm but a bit oldschool to what's coming now.

29er / Re: 29ER ICAN P9 fork offset
« on: April 09, 2019, 02:50:49 AM »
It depends how you want the bike to handle, how you like to ride. I found a huge thread on MTBR talking about fork offset, very interesting to read.

I'm used to ride my XC bike (69 HTA) with an old rockshox with 46mm offset, when i tested a bike with 51 offset and same HTA, i found more or less what is said on MTBR. I prefer my 46 offset ;)

29er / Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
« on: April 04, 2019, 06:58:57 AM »
What do you mean by radical ?  ;)
Medium size : 67° hta with 100mm fork (goes to 66° with 120mm), reach 475mm! (goes to 465 with 120mm fork)
I think it's the most extreme generic trail bike in the long,slack,low trend.

29er / Re: Carbonda fm936 Thoughts
« on: April 04, 2019, 05:14:34 AM »
This frame have a really radical geometry compared to what generic frames offer from now ::) ::)

29er / Re: Trifox TL-CFM-S01 full Suss (New American eagle Flow)
« on: February 06, 2019, 07:49:42 AM »
For me trifox chart is false, you can even see it's not the correct frame design.
I already searched about this frame and this is what i found :

I don't know if there is other sellers but i won't trust trifox which are unable to give the right geometry...

29er / Re: What's coming in 2019
« on: February 03, 2019, 10:21:01 AM »
I've got a little intel to share, but I'd love to hear what others have heard from agents I may not interact with as much.
Do you think we can see a trail 29er, something like 100-120mm travel, with a real long reach and slack HTA (typically intense sniper inspired), coming before the summer?

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