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Messages - crazycat

Pages: [1]
Its either the battery or the RD. I didn't do a capacity test, but when the app tells that the battery is full, I measured the voltage and it was 4.1 for each cell.
Again, brought back bike after 5km only today, put cable on and removed it after green light came up continuously. Then open the app, and status was 86%.
If I attach the cable again (RD didn't go into idle), green light appears continuously (battery full).
But after I wait until RD goes into idle and then attach the cable, it is blinking and charging further for a while.

Anyway, I don't bother to debug anymore, will replace it with Shimano soon.

Sorry for the lack of clarity!

@jonathanf2: I’m aware that the warning from the head unit is a bug; I just wanted to mention it.
@amalcal1: My battery dies suddenly, and I couldn’t shift.

Let me explain the issue in more detail:

It first started when I wanted to ride home, but the battery was dead. This was surprising because just a few hours earlier, I finished a ride without any problems.

I charged the battery, and the solid green lights appeared very quickly. That’s when I started checking with the app.
The app showed the battery at 100%, but when I disconnected and reconnected the app (without the charging cable), it dropped to about 8%.
When I reattached the cable, the solid green light came back quickly, and the app again showed 100%.

It got so bad that I could only shift gears once or twice before it stopped working, even though the charging cable had shown a solid green light.
So, I left the app closed, attached the cable after the rear derailleur went idle, and it started blinking green. However, whenever I opened the app, the green light turned solid again.

After charging (attach the charging cable when the derailleur is in idle mode) without opening the app, the green light stayed blinking and only turned solid after 2-3 hours.

This is why I suspect there might also be an issue with the app.

Guys, running ERX for 4 month now, so far working but with annoying message from Garmin everytime that the shifter battery is low.
I run into issues with wet weather and cold temperatures. Battery died quickly, although the App/Derailleur shows that the battery is fully charged.

It seems that using the App leads to incorrect charging, so do not try to read the battery status with the App. Just plug the cable into the RD and let it charge.

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