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Messages - Pumpkin

Pages: [1]
Seems a lot of the sellers exclude the battery, only include the battery casing. Searched through LTWOO's site and manual but no mention of what battery types the battery case accepts. Anyone know?

Any type 14500 batteries. 3,7v and 800mAh. Available anywhere at about 5 EUR a piece.
Make sure that the +pole is not flat, there are two options for that. The raised pole is what you want.

I love that groupset. When it works... +1 on that, couldn't agree more.
How does the blue differ from the old one? Could you please share a photo?
Is that store selling the ER9 / ERX both old and new versions on different listings? Are there listings for the ERX / ER9 with the new brakes? (the lighter ones with less bulk around adaptors).

There is a difference in appearance, the new version looks much better. As far as the interior is concerned: I have no idea if they removed the bugs or not. The charging port is where it was in the first version.

i had a phantom drain issue as well... 80 Designer Store and LTwoo warrantied my rear derailleur and sent me a new one.

I had exactly the same problem with my ERX. L-TWOO Official Store honored the warranty and sent a new RD with cables. It took 6 weeks (chinese new year and so on..) but now I am happy. The RD is the new model ("blue"), installing was easy and it works fine.

I love that groupset. When it works...

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