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Messages - goyo46

Pages: [1]
29+ & 27+ / Re: Trek Stache 29+ Frame Copy
« on: July 15, 2020, 01:57:19 PM »
I'm also looking at this frame. If you're in the US DIYcarbonbikes has it, for a higher price, which may be worth the additional $100 or so for convienence and peace of mind. I emailed him and they ship from overseas, no domestic stock. Also, search CFM496, the Carbon fan model.

29er / Re: Frames / heavier riders / leverage ratio
« on: May 24, 2020, 01:29:00 AM »
One point to consider for heavier riders is the tuning of the rear shock, a big part of the leverage ratio equation. I’m 220 or so kitted out and tend to weight the rear pretty well. Currently on a Phantom v2, kinda heavy but totally solid for big guys, I would have broken a carbon frame by now, judging from the scratches and scrapes. I had to revalve the Debonaire shock (it was too soft), easy with info on line, and run it around 270 psi. Nice and plush, and good support. Also, running a 36 spoke back wheel helps things feel a lot more solid.
If you’re not set on a chiner, I’d look at the new Titan. If I didn’t have the phantom that’s what I’d spend my money on.

29er / Re: Aggressive Hardcore Hardtail
« on: February 29, 2020, 10:43:06 PM »
Been looking for this as well. Slack 66 degree front end, long TT, short stays. Made for 140-160mm forks. Rowdy enduro hardtail.
Plenty of budget alloy and crmo options, mostly from Europe. As well as the very expensive mainstream brands, SC, Spec, etc.
Any luck?

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