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Messages - MTNRCKT

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29er / Re: Chinertown's 10,000th Post Giveaway!
« on: June 21, 2016, 08:56:28 PM »

Component Deals & Selection / Re: LTWOO
« on: June 04, 2016, 06:59:11 PM »
How long have these been on the market? May be too new for their to be any real feedback on them yet. I knew we would eventually be seeing some sram 1x11 replicas but this is the first time I'm seeing them. Can't wait til we start getting some user reviews on for them

Vendor Discussion & Reviews / Re: MTBR Forums Hacked
« on: April 08, 2016, 10:46:22 AM »
Yep same here. That said, there all already soooo many annoying ads on mtbr. I much prefer the cleaner look of this forum, although I would totally understand wanting to throw 1 or 2 ads up in order to pay the light bills and make a bit of profit maybe. Key is just keep them minimal and relevant. Mtbr ads are outta control.

After The Ride / Re: Great video of a "flash mob orchestra"
« on: March 30, 2016, 10:31:16 PM »
Hey I really liked all of these, especially the Chariot one and the Josh Weathers one. Crazy some of those notes that dude is hitting. Thanks for the share.

29+ & 27+ / Re: CS-M04 27.5+ plus full suspension
« on: February 01, 2016, 04:04:54 PM »
Wow absolutely loving the aesthetics of this frame, wonder if there will be a 29er version:

I've owned bikes from Ribble, On One and Planet X. These UK brands sell their frames direct to the customer, after having sourced them from China. I don't see what we're doing, in buying direct from the chinese suppliers, as being much different to what these companies are doing. The trick id finding a good company to deal with.

This. There's no difference at all in those frames and the ones we're all buying direct from China. Now you start talking about a 3000 dollar S Works frame and okay, I'm sure there are serious improvements to be had with the S Works. We all know that, It's just not worth the extra thousand or two bucks! And so they resort to what people always resort to when trying to control something they have no control over: fear. Like Sitar said, can't blame bike companies for trying to stop the sale of frames that are using name brand stickers and potentially fooling consumers into thinking they're getting the real thing (although you'd have to be pretty naive to think that imo) other than that, this is a disruption in their business model that will only grow in scope.

29er / Re: My IP-057 project
« on: December 31, 2015, 02:34:54 PM »
Wow, 203 mm rotor on a city bike?  I use a 160 for cross county and rough trails, and never thought I needed more braking power (more skill, maybe:)).  I also wonder if the fork would have held up with a smaller rotor.

I'm sure it contributed. If Niner wants to limit rotor size to 185mm on their forks to reduce torque load (assuming that is their intentions) than I can only assume the same guidelines should be followed for a chiner carbon fork. Not saying it shouldn't be able to withstand that - I'm really not sure - just saying I feel confident it played a role in the failure.

29+ & 27+ / Re: 29plus - Trek Stache
« on: December 22, 2015, 07:01:25 PM »
You know, a few years ago I was convinced the MTB market was going to settle on one main wheel size that became mostly standard. Guess not though. I wonder if it will just continue fragmenting into different sizes or what? 26, 29er, 27.5, Fat bike, 29+... Is this just going to keep going or is one going to prove to be the king of the mountain? That said, 29+ seems like it might be a good mix of all of them and I could definitely building one up instead of a fat bike or 29er. I had written fat bikes off almost entirely until reading rvc's NASA themed build thread found in the Fat Bike section of Chinertown.

I'm definitely rambling at this point. Sorry, just some random thoughts  ;D

29er / Re: 256sl rear thru axle problem
« on: December 08, 2015, 08:01:33 AM »
I went online to and ordered a pack of M3x5mm set screws with a brass tip.  I installed one on both of my rear axle nuts on my Chiners.

Here is the link:

Hey thanks for this link. Think I'll pick a couple of these up, as it seems like an improvement over the standard one

29er / Re: Broken frame
« on: December 07, 2015, 08:14:04 AM »
One interesting thing is that the frame remained strong around that junction of the two seat stays that I've seen a few guys concerned about. The impact was just a few inches from that area.

29er / Re: IP-256SL build [finished - photos]
« on: December 07, 2015, 08:10:26 AM »
Nice build and pics mate! You made quite the leap from 26 full squish to full rigid 29er.. Do you plan on riding both, or do you think you'll tend to favor one moreso than the other?

Sales & Classifieds / Re: 29er light bicycle wheelset
« on: November 30, 2015, 08:33:36 AM »
PM sent

Sales & Classifieds / Re: 29er light bicycle wheelset
« on: November 29, 2015, 09:07:07 AM »
Sounds like a fair deal. Any pics of them?

Fat Bikes / Re: My N019 Build, NASA themed!
« on: November 27, 2015, 09:43:01 PM »
Wow, awesome write-up and build, man. Reading that actually got me considering a fat bike build for the first time since I got over my initial "oh I want this cool new thing" phase. I think it helps a lot that you've got some pretty sweet wheels on that thing.

Do you happen to have much experience with full suspension bikes? If so, in your opinion, do think that tire size or suspension is the more effective at smoothing out the trail?

Fat Bikes / Re: My N019 Build, NASA themed!
« on: October 15, 2015, 09:31:57 AM »
Yeah, I guess I can see what you mean with the "Walmarty" effect. When I suggested that, I wasn't really taking into consideration that they were fat bike rims. That's a whole lot of color, and would dominate the overall appearance of the bike. I think your choice to go with the 3k weave was a good one. That should look really nice and definitely be worth the 3 weeks.

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