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Messages - rkeran

Pages: [1]
29er / Re: List of Full Suspension MTB Frames
« on: November 24, 2020, 04:00:24 PM »
Thanks for the reply.  Still trying to find the thread re. "no full sus Ti frames".  No luck so far.

As for the FM936, I'm trying to find a frame with a four-bar (or dw-link) rear...and a threaded BB.  So that one falls out for me.  Still leaning towards the ICAN P1 unless anyone can point me in a better direction.

29er / Re: Chinese SC/AM831 Group Buy
« on: November 24, 2020, 03:45:44 PM »
I'm very interested.

Size - Large (~19")
Color - matte UD carbon (#1?)
Shipping to Colorado, USA.

29er / Re: Welcome to Chinertown - Introduce Yourself!
« on: November 17, 2020, 03:51:48 PM »
Howdy folks,

Ron from Denver, CO here.  My 16 yr. old son has informed me that he's "inheriting" my old race bike (a 2000 Intense Tracer, heavily upgraded) and that we're going to start riding together now that we've moved back to the U.S.  Could any father be prouder?  But, I need a bike now and, because COVID, there's nothing to be found so I started looking at building up a Chinese titanium or carbon full-suspension 29er.  In addition to everything changing since I've been gone - press-fit BBs?  tapered steering tubes? dropper posts? no titanium frames to speak of??? - I've noticed that anything bike related has gotten crazy expensive.  I've built up almost every bike I have, and designed a couple of them (geometry, etc.) that part for me is fun.  But, man, I'm having some trouble finding the trust to make a purchase which is why I'm here.

My goal is to build up a 29er downcountry (or light trail i guess) bike with an active rear suspension design (4-bar, dw-link preferred unless someone talks me out of it).  I am hoping to find recommendations and testimonials from other riders here so that I can build up something I can brag about to my friends who were able to acquire their $7000 tallboy/trail 429/SB115 bikes before lockdown hit.

Looking forward to chatting with some of y'all!

29er / Re: List of Full Suspension MTB Frames
« on: November 17, 2020, 03:38:25 PM »
Dirt - Given that we're 1) going into a second phase of COVID-19 lock-down here in the U.S., 2) There no new bikes in inventory (or damn few) at the moment, and 3) my son has decided to "inherit" my old - but routinely upgraded - full suspension race bike (an Intense Tracer, pre-VPP) I had just started looking at carbon full-sus frames from China to build up for myself as a replacement.  And while I've already spent hours on the Ali-sites looking at duplicate versions of the same frame, I hadn't really begun to boil them down and categorize them yet, instead, saving each promising frame as a discreet desktop shortcut to re-visit and catalog (geo, travel, etc.) at a later time.  Imagine my elation when I came across your initial list to find that you'd already put together a very concise, head-start list for me.  Thank you sir.  :-)

So, now I'm wondering a couple of things and hoping that the elder statesmen of this forum will help out a newbie like me.

Q1 - Is there an updated list floating around?  No worries if there isn't...I've got plenty to keep me busy this weekend.
Q2 - Is there a thread specific to folks providing reviews of their purchases/builds?  I'm trying to make a decision on a down-country, 29er frame...and I sure could use some input.  The P1 seems to be leading the pack for me so far.
Q3 - What the hell happened to Ti frames while I was out of the country (India for a few years)?  Only Seven and Litespeed have full-sus frames...and with no reviews to speak of?  I'm fine with CF, but I'd rather get something made from Ti if anyone has a China builder to recommend here.  And please, no rants about how CF is superior for whatever reason you pull out of your ass...I didn't ask for that feedback.  I just like Ti as a frame material and that's OK too.

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